Originally Posted by N7Greenfire
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Ieldra2
I just don't understand why.
And yet you said it yourself ...
We want to make our characters in certain way ... we cant.

I wouldnt search for anything deeper than that ...

We were promised that we will be able to recreate our DnD characters ... we cant.
We spend last 2+ years in certain system ... and now that system was changed ... no warning, no explanation, no well nothing actually.
It simply doesnt feel right.

Especialy since there is so easy solution as implementing both.
I mean, its just numbers ... what can be easier than change a number? laugh

Originally Posted by N7Greenfire
Humans finally get to take 17 on their primary. They got a strait buff there
Instead of lame +3 ... they now have cool +3!

Ehm ... what exactly is the buff again? O_o
Because a 17 is 1 asi from a +4 meaning they can now dip into a half feat for free essentially. Ir pick up one of the quest related asi boosts to get +4 without any feat use at all

@fylimar it's mostly the same handful of players every thread who don't like this change. The vast majority of the dnd community likes more customization not less. Sure there will always be tradionalists, but that doesn't mean their desires are good for the wider audience, hopefully mods will give the tradionalists what they want.
I mean, I understand them, humans are their favorite race and they got changed very substantially. I have the luck, that most of the races, I like to play, tiefling, halfling, gnome, elf, are not really changed at all, only half elfs, who I like to play too ( mostly because of female face 1) got the short stick.

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Doctor Who