Originally Posted by N7Greenfire
Originally Posted by Odieman
Originally Posted by N7Greenfire
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Thats nothing more than a guess tho.

And you are contradicting yourself again ...
If Larian's goal is to "hook the most amount of players" ... then their goal should logicaly be to "please the most amount of players" ... therefore, give those players what they want.

By excluding one option, they only asure that one group will be angry.
That dont bring any benefit. laugh
The people who even know what asi's are are probably a small minority of their targeted consumer base. The people who care enough about this to want the old style a fraction of that fraction.

This isnt a simple do it and make everyone happy thing. There's probably an Email chain out there talking about the opportunity costs of all this and of what will appeal to the most.

In all likelihood they'd probably loose sales by adding a toggle and thus adding another decision/clutter to the character creation ui.

Larin told us most players ran a default basic looking human fighter tav. Anything that slows down these players headlong rush into vanilla tavdom is going to have a negative impact on engagement.

Yall deserve to be happy, you do, but there's a good chance some data analyst the math and realized adding a toggle will make less people happy.

Ehm, Im pretty sure the number of consumers who have played D&D will be a huge one. Those are your baseline customers from the getgo.

Anyway, if most players rush through the character creator to play a human fighter, then the default system from the PHB for Racial ability bonuses is the easiest one. No allocating, its already buildt in.
Correct me if Im wrong, but with the current system you have to allocate the +2/+1 yourself no? Or is it automatically allocated to the main ability score(s) for your class?
Idk man, we're not talking about solasta or tabletop simulator here. There's a huge audience of fans of more actions rpgs out there that looking for the next big game. Between bear sex and Asmongold showing BG3 content in a positive light while his channel is pointing out concerns for Diablo 4 these going to be a ton of non d&d players checking in on this.

Swen even said in the pfh that they don't even know how to market the game.

Dnd players will either be playing it or will be avoiding it, no amount of advertising to that crowd will change get their opinions one way or the other.

The baseline customer for larian is the mainatream action rpg fan

No but we are talking Baldurs Gate franchise, dont underestimate that. Those are some of the greatest rpg games ever made. A lot of people who played those were dnd players. and alot became so afterwards.

Anyway, I didnt mean to imply that d&d players will be in the majority. I said Huge and Baseline. What I meant by that is that, when BG 3 was announced, a major part of the audience for news were d&d fans and ppl who had already played BG 1 and BG2. Thats what I meant by baseline. But then naturally, as gameplay footage, media attention, word of mouth etc etc gets going like in the past 2 years. Ramping up towards release, d&D players playing the game will be in the minority. But Im still thinking 10-25% to be honest. Which is nothing to scoff at. Larian have already done a few things which might alienate the most stubborn/hardcore 1% of those ppl (like myself).

This recent ability score change have soured my impression slightly of the game (Im kind of furious to be honest), but I love the rest, and look forward so much to the content, that Ill be willing to let that slide. Until a mod comes along that is laugh. To a lesser extent the lack of Paladin deity choice irks me to no end (but only half as much as the ability score change).

Anyway, mini rant over :P.

"They say he who smelt it dealt it."
Sooo technically... this burnt corpse is your fault officer."