Racial ASIs have never been a major contributor to my perception of races. My Lizardfolk getting +WIS doesn't make him feel more like a Lizardfolk. His Hold Breath, Swim Speed, and scaly hide giving an AC bonus so he doesn't need to wear armor like softskins is what makes my Lizardfolk feel like a Lizardfolk. My Lizardfolk druid plays wildly differently than my Dragonborn Druid or my Half Orc Druid because he has totally different base physical attributes and an alien mindset I bring into the roleplay.

My Lizardfolk druid frequently rips into his opponents' bodies and tears out chunks of flesh to swallow mid-fight both as a beast and as a caster and thinks nothing of it. I took Primal Savagery so I could double down on the biting and clawing means of dealing damage outside of Wildshape too. He uses stealth tactics, gained from his racial proficiencies, like a true hunter and takes to the water whenever available so he can ambush his prey by dragging them down into the water with him with Thorn Whip.

My Dragonborn Druid has a strong sense of community and an even stronger work ethic owing to his Clan based heritage. He has the Guidance and Produce Flame cantrips so he can help guide others through dark paths and aid them in whatever tasks they hope to achieve. In battle, he leads with a blast of his poison breath both as an effective alpha strike and as a deterrent, as he'd prefer to resolve conflict without taking a life when he can. His heritage coming from a green dragon strengthens his fondness for nature, but it also leaves him with a drive to undo the harm his draconic ancestors did to the land and its people. To that end, he uses their own affinity for poison to leap into toxic environments without worry for his own safety to better protect those that are less resilient than himself.

My Half Orc Druid has built his entire identity around being tough. From his harsh upbringing as a street fighter to his new self-discovery as nature's protector, he's always relied on his ability to take a hit and keep going, and now that he has something more on the line to fight for he finds his natural resilience more of a boon than ever. His orcish savagery mixes with his animal instincts, creating a terrible force of violence that rips and tears his foes to pieces, but his discipline and appreciation for the druidic teachings let him stop himself before he takes things too far.

So there ya go. Three druids who think and play very differently from one another and are absolutely slathered in delicious racial flavoring despite them all having the same ASI spread (CON/WIS, though the Half Orc has +2 CON and the Lizardfolk +2 WIS, except the Dragonborn who has a +1 to INT so he can get 14 there to better play up his scholarly side). A big part of that racial flavor just being me choosing class options that I thought suited the character I was playing to encourage a more race-appropriate playstyle.