> Gale's the most likely to try to kill you/try to rule the world, where'd you get the idea hes good from lol.
I don't care what he might do in the future, he's a charming guy when you meet him. That makes you like him. If he later becomes "bad" that's an easier pill to swallow, because you're already hooked. But when characters start off by being unbearable bitches, like Astarion or the Githyanki or Shadowheart there's just no reason to be giving them any chance for changing attitude. I mean, maybe if Shadowheart was actually hot, then it'd be worth tolerating? But she's so meh (I think it's the silly haircut). So... Yeah.
He only nice if you dont realize he's clearly pulling a "nice guy" act and trying to manipulate you
Do you distrust anyone being nice to you? Did you expect Aerie or Cernd to strangle you in your sleep as well? I sure as hell feel more threatened by Astarion and Lae'zel, who both put a knife to my throat already.
I mean, sure he probably will have a twist because that is what interesting stories give us, but asuming the worst just because someone is nice to you... eh. What is the world coming to?
After EA I don't feel manipulated, just bent on helping him with his condition, so I guess that all boils down to what we precive. Which is also great.