Originally Posted by Tuco
It's also a lot of missed opportunities, despise these relentless attempts at damage control.

I said multiple times across the last two-three years that I don't have particular doubts BG3 will be a very solid game, a title worth spending a lot of time on (I already wasted hundreds of hours on its EA, after all) and a solid contender to the game of the year.
Hell, probably even in the competition as one of the best CRPGs ever made (and undoubtedly the one with the biggest budget).

Sadly, I've also resigned myself to accept that it will littered all over its length with...

- bad implementation of the rules (and let me be absolutely clear here: I absolutely DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about the little footnote on the official books saying "it's just a guideline" when the changes introduced are almost invariably bad)
- bad design decisions (giving up on the day/night cycle from the get go, having a terrible instanced camping system, super-restrictive party of four, etc).
- bad aesthetic choices (the juxtaposition of a pseudo-realistic look and "cartoony" visual effects like jumping, falling, shoving, dashing, the lack of cosmetic details on the characters like scabbards and quivers, etc).
- one of the worst control schemes the genre has ever seen since BG1 defined the standards in 1998, with the infamous toilet chain system.

I hope the good parts will just be good enough to erase that bad aftertaste and remove that uncomfortable impression of being served some amazing food, only to spot the waiter smearing a couple of boogers into it before serving.

Theres no need for "damage controll" a handful of posters here not having the game turn out exactly how they wanted isn't damage, thats just how game developing works.

You'll never find a game that gives you 100% of what you want.

The vast majority of people seem to want BG3 though. It's top 2 on steam and is on top content creators radars. So the dev team is clearly on the right path.

Last edited by N7Greenfire; 20/07/23 04:06 PM.