You know thinking back appealing to popularity is what killed WoW.
vanilla WoW was genius - it was uncompromising and challenging - although deeply flawed by today's standards.
Then Blizzo tried to make the game for "everybody" after a few expansions it became garbage. The difference there was you could not mod the core systems of the game until the Private server community came together and agreed on what they wanted to play was a proper game that wasn't for everyone.
Now Blizzo is stuck in a terrible cycle of making these microtransaction games that milk whales and are designed around that. Bleh. Or creating an interesting game that makes you think they have gone back to being a good gaming company then doing a bait and switch once people are invested. I am sorry, but if you buy a Blizzo game you are part of the problem. They are fundamentally untrustworthy.
The Private server community is still going strong btw.
However, WE CAN mod those systems to our hearts content. In the end, this is the only thing I have to remember.
Even if I don't agree on a decision, the multiplayer server will get together and we will take a vote and decide what core mods we want to implement and that is how we will play. (It will probably be some Hardcore rules version of the game but with variant Human - I know my people).
So, essentially the OP's point still stands.
Last edited by Blackheifer; 20/07/23 05:25 PM.