> There are zero human female companion, which is disappointing.
Yep. Humans are the most popular choice because that's what people relate to (no surprise there).
One might think so, but really, elves are just humans with pointy ears and a few extras, dwarves are stocky humans with a few extras, and so on. None of the races are non-human in any way that counts, unlike DOS2's lizards and elves. And even those with some claim to it, like half-orcs and dragonborn, appear about as non-human as the rubber forehead aliens in cheap TV shows. Which is why I will avoid them.
So apart from min-maxing considerations, race is just a choice of human-variant (do not mix up with the technical term) appearance and typical background culture. Humans are more popiular than elves because elves have a typical background culture that you either like or not, while humans do not have that. And for purposes of romance, Shadowheart is as human as Gale. As a guideline, if you do not ask yourself "How the heck would sex with them work, and would anyone even want that?", it's human and any variation is superficial - case in question: as a rule, humans do not want sex with bears . Unless they *think* in a non-human way, and that's even harder to write.