I'm sure I'll enjoy BG3's immersive narrative and choices with actual consequence. I'm also sure that I'll be frustrated with things not working the way I've become accustomed to from playing 5e both at the table and in Solasta.
Yes, I know I'm quoting myself, but being near the end of Act 2 in my first play through, I wanted to come back in here and verify that this has been my exact experience. I'm really enjoying BG3, there are a great many aspects of what Larian produced that create an immersive "D&D-ish" experience, and I do really like the fact that many choices have long lasting consequences. I actually like the fact that you can kill an "origin" character or two without game-breaking adverse effects.
All that said, much as I anticipated, I am thoroughly annoyed by many of Larian's choices that break away from the 5e rule set. Off the top of my head the three that annoy me the most are: not sticking to the PHB rules about how many spells of what type you can cast per round (bonus action spell + cantrip), the fact that you can attack with a crossbow twice in the same round
without the Crossbow Expert Feat, and, yes, still, the absolute insanity that is Larian's choices for Shove. There are others that crop up incidentally, but those are the three that have consistently annoyed me the most.
I know there are mods out there that rein in many of these things, but I've been warned by many that once you mod the game you should really start over from scratch, as well as turning off telemetry. I'm too far into the game now to start over. I'm also holding out hope that at some point, much like what happened with turn-based combat for PF Kingmaker, a stable and complete 5eRAW mod will rise to the surface and get enough buzz that Larian decides to just implement it as a 5eRAW toggle into a future patch.