I'll try to not repeat too much of what others have said.
The Divinity games bored me to tears, and i never lasted more than a dozen hours in either. Like many others here, I've cloked hundreds and hundreds of hours in BG3 EA because this game is so engaging, and there are so many ways to play it.
It is the closest any computer game that I've seen has come to the experience of table top:
There's a DM (some think of her as a narrator, but at least in my head, she's the DM)
Many folks play table top with friends who really aren't taking anything too seriously, and you have those options in this game (seriously, talk to literally every animal you encounter). Some folks don't like that aspect, and you can very easily play this game super seriously if you like.
Almost every situation has multiple ways to resolve that really depend on what you're roleplaying as your character. Fight, talk it out, shoot a rope to drop any number of various hanging objects onto them. Sneak up and push them off the high wall they're stupidly standing atop without watching their backs. Some folks are frustrated with some aspects of of these things, but key is that you always have a number of options available. I think Larian did a great job with that, giving the kind of options a creative tabletop player might look for.
If you're concerned it will have too much of what you didn't like from DoS, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised