Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by Warlocke
Originally Posted by kanisatha
But, for a great many people in today's social-mdia-driven society where superficiality dominates in every aspect of life, a hyper-cinematic video game is surely going to be "awesome."

You’d have a better reputation if you found a way to express your opinion without casting shade on others’.
I'm not casting shade at anyone, merely expressing my sincere point of view that is not targeted at any specific person (which btw is a view I share about ALL forms of entertainment nowadays, video games generally as well as movies, TV shows, everything). When I look at BG3, I see a superficial game. And yet, despite this, apparently quite a number of people like it. So what conclusion, exactly, am I supposed to draw?

You can draw whatever conclusions you want, but if you don’t understand the arrogant and dismissive way you expressed yourself there then brushing up on your communication skills would be a worthwhile pursuit. The distinction between what you think and what you say is the domain of decorum.

Saying society is so superficial and therefore of course this game is going to be received as “awesome” is an implied insult to everyone who is looking forward to it. That’s bullshit. I think you can do better than that.