It's a really hard question. It's been 20 years.

Short anwser: no.

Longer one: We grew old(er), our tastes changed, so did our perception of things. We played dozens, maybe hundreds of other games in the meantime, we probably feel like there is little we didn't see yet. And when most of us played BG1/2 it was all new, fresh, groundbreaking. It's easy to look at old games through rose-tinted glasses but I rarely get any kinds of feelings when replaying old titles nowdays. A pang of nostalgia, but that's it. I once held Neverwinter Nights on the pedestal reserved for "Baldur's Gate spiritual successor", but it ain't it.

I am terribly excited for BG3 though. I'm practically jumping off the walls excited when I think it's only a few days more. And it makes me feel strange seeing as I now have a son the age I had been back in 2000. People tell me I should now act my age laugh

Will it be like playing BG2 again? No, because I'm not a starstruck teen anymore, but it will be an amazing adventure, I'm sure of it.