So my question basically just is: Have you played BG1 and 2 and if so, do you like BG3? Is it more like DOS or more like BG?
The game doesn’t feel like Baldur’s Gate at all - not in tone, not in writing, not in characters, not in tone, not in focus and priorities.
There is more of D:OS in it (on account of the same engine, and similar studio sensibilities) but it is also distinctively not a D:OS3.
Definitely the first thing I would recommend is to decouple BG3 from previous titles - outside some very broad generalities (there is a party, and companions, you can play singleplayer and in coop) this is a very different thing. I am a bit worried how I will react once the city itself and familiar faces will start popping up - I might go mad like Durlag.