A few things on top of my head that brings some of the previous Baldur's Gate games vibe:
-The spell icons.
-The gorgeous world map.
-The items...Now according to recent reports of the full game the itemization is amazing. Thats what I loved about all the Baldur's Gate games, the unique items and their lore.
-Character creation (though great still a bit lacking...would love more "kits").
-Relation to D&D
-Some setting elements and characters.
-Lots of romance options
And the not so Baldur's Gate vibe:
-The UI and control scheme <----------My biggest gripe...
-Number of companions during gameplay and in total.
-DOS2 3D engine with cinematics
-Turn base gameplay
-No day/night, no time, no weather <---------My second biggest gripe...NO EXCUSE for such a game.
-Colorful comedy vibe mixed with blood and guts (Larian aesthetics)
-Lots of over the top sexual options.
Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 22/07/23 07:56 AM.