Originally Posted by Liley
So basically you are all telling me I need to see this game as a seperate game that only takes place in the same world. That makes me a bit sad, not gonna lie, but that's what I already thought it would be.

Hey, that's not what I said at *all*!

It is a sequel. It is, it's just not about Gorion's Ward. Some of Charname's best friends are there to help you out, though. Bhaal has something to do with it, too -although nobody knows exactly what. A lot of people argue that your teammates are evil bastards, but I beg to differ. They're not Captain America, but none are truly evil. They have their own motivations. Aside from that, the best party combinations in classic BG - if you could pull it off - had a mix of alignments in them. Korgan in the front, Keldorn in the back. Edwin taking out the big bads, Aerie keeping the smallfry at bay. This game offers more of that. The characters are the main point here.

So do you think it's possible to love BG3, if you haven't loved D:OS 1+2, even if it's so similar?
Is the combat also just about the elements (fire, poison, etc.) or are we getting also spells, that were in the old BG games?

I don't really care much for the DOS games, honestly. I didn't care for the tone and the setting. Haven't finished either of them. I have more time in BG3 Early Access than I have in both DOS games combined. The only true similarities is that it uses the environment heavily. That includes barrels of grease and water; but more so light and darkness and verticality.

Look. The Pathfinder Games, Pillars of Eternity - those are carbon copies of how-the-game-is-played-and-presented. It's not that. In the slightest. But contrary to what some will say, it's certainly not DOS3 either.

Is the combat also just about the elements (fire, poison, etc.) or are we getting also spells, that were in the old BG games?
You mean, like Fireball or Cloudkill? smile Classic BG relied heavily on elemental damage types. Anyway.
You can be effective in this game without resorting to elemental damage entirely. There are exploding barrels, and you can freeze or electrify water - but that's about it. Spells you liked in Classic BG, are in this, too. Grease, Mirror Image, Polymorph, Glyph of Warding, Magic Missile, Charm etc; but it's the updated version of D&D so you'll see new ones too. And, it being a 3D game, you can fly, or feather-fall, turn into a bird and fly and more. Summon your mage hand to quietly unlocka door from a distance - It's quite expansive. But there's no nonsense like 'hide in a barrel and walk around like one'

Edit: Oh, and my personal favorite spell: Speak with Animals. Holy crap, that is fun. All the animals in the game have something to say; some more than others. But, it's also a good showcase of reactivity. You can speak with a bunch of Giant Spiders as a ranger and get some of the coolest voice acting and writing ever - Or talk to them with your Llolth-sworn Drow and they'll immediately bend the knee eightfold.

Last edited by rodeolifant; 22/07/23 08:11 AM.

Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.