Originally Posted by Liley
Well you give me some hope that I could enjoy the game. I think I'll just decide on release day wether I feel like purchasing it or not. Thank you for all the responses smile

I played through the DOS games, and you are correct that they did a poor job of storytelling, and the character "relationships" were hollow.

There is an hour long video of just interactions with one character that won't spoil a ton as it is from an earlier build from a couple years back. You can see how the conversations play out. I wouldn't watch a ton of it if you don't want some basic spoilers for the first 15% of the game.

The 31 minute mark is the scene I mentioned earlier. If you start there, you can see a bit of it and the follow up. This was from before they brought in the team of cinematic experts, who only made things better in the most recent couple of patches.


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