Originally Posted by Darth_Trethon
Nope, this will not just be an upgraded DOS2 but vastly far beyond DOS2 by millions of miles. In BG3 your actions will most likely lead you to one ending or a limited choice of a couple endings and if you want others you'll have to play very differently, make different choices, etc. while in DOS2 you'd reach the end and just choose an ending where the majority were available. DOS2 also annoyed me in two ways: 1) best ending = you die...entirely pointless generic ending, another one you become like a soulless zombie or something, and 2) there was no satisfying evil victory ending...you just release the big bad and everyone's screwed but honestly bland and boring. None of those endings felt satisfying in any way or were memorable. That selection of endings just ended the game on a sour note for me. But that's not what's going on here in BG3 at all...the endings are far more satisfying and memorable...like an evil ending where you become the ruler of the forgotten realms...far far better stuff all around.

I think it very speculative to assume that its going to be millions of miles better then dos2, and how its going to look like at all, since we don't know anything beyond the first act, not to speak about the endings. All I'm saying that its going to be a unspeakable amount of work, borderline with impossible, to change narrative key points in a way that it feels objectively different. I don't see why is it should be so vastly improved, especially if you talking about on how they handle the same situation on the same engine, in their very last game

Last edited by Seventrussel; 25/07/23 04:16 PM.