play testers on D&D beyond have been testing since last Aug, WotC wanted Larian to be in line with there new product and they will have a digital online gaming system.
Half Elves and Half Orcs will no longer be in the Dnd World.. I didn't see any fact other than his opinion on this or I missed it. Watch it dont...just sharing
oh and Dwarves will only be one race from now on no more shield / mountain / hill / Gold
If you want to skip the blah blah, stuff we already know, go to 1:55
Last edited by Doomlord; 23/07/2305:26 AM.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
The only potential nerf was shield dwarf. But even then it's too early to call a nerf.
Humans got a strait buff with the +2 main stat and proficiency an extra +1 in dump stats doesn't matter.
Similar story with half elves they lose 1 point in con or dex, not a big deal, and the light armor profincy for full casters is great.
We also need to see how good the racial weapon bonuses are to determine race balance
Also I'm not sure what you are trying to say in the latter part. Tabletop is thinking of going to pathfinder style where you can create you own custom genetics. Half orcs and half elves will still exist as potential combos in the new system.
Speaking of half orc a they got a huge buff and are great for dex classes now.
The only potential nerf was shield dwarf. But even then it's too early to call a nerf.
Humans got a strait buff with the +2 main stat and proficiency an extra +1 in dump stats doesn't matter.
Similar story with half elves they lose 1 point in con or dex, not a big deal, and the light armor profincy for full casters is great.
We also need to see how good the racial weapon bonuses are to determine race balance
Also I'm not sure what you are trying to say in the latter part. Tabletop is thinking of going to pathfinder style where you can create you own custom genetics. Half orcs and half elves will still exist as potential combos in the new system.
Speaking of half orc a they got a huge buff and are great for dex classes now.
From what I gather, what he is saying is he is a play tester of the new system set to come out next august, he stats that the holder of the IP dnd no longer want Half/ anything no half orc no half elf as there is blow back from a certain community. And he also stats that Dwarves will be one race now no longer multi/ sub races
Last edited by Doomlord; 23/07/2305:38 AM.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
I'd take a +1 in every stat over a bunch of proficiencies that are completely useless for many builds/classes, especially fighters. Human fighters are almost literally pointless, you'd be better off with pretty much any other race. Same story for half-elf, if you're not using those proficiencies then they're straight up worse than regular elves. The extra attribute points that these races had were beneficial to ALL builds and were the only selling point for those races in the first place, without them they're effectively pointless if you're not taking advantage of the new proficiencies they get. I'm sure there's plenty of builds you could do that do take advantage of them, in which case good for you, but I don't plan on playing any of those and the stuff I wanted to do is now nerfed or obsolete. Plus, as stated, shield dwarfs might be straight up nerfed with no compensation. Just add an option to give up those proficiencies in exchange for the missing attribute points.
EDIT: I also love the "dump stats" argument, as though every person wants to have dump stats in the first place.
The only potential nerf was shield dwarf. But even then it's too early to call a nerf.
Humans got a strait buff with the +2 main stat and proficiency an extra +1 in dump stats doesn't matter.
Similar story with half elves they lose 1 point in con or dex, not a big deal, and the light armor profincy for full casters is great.
We also need to see how good the racial weapon bonuses are to determine race balance
Also I'm not sure what you are trying to say in the latter part. Tabletop is thinking of going to pathfinder style where you can create you own custom genetics. Half orcs and half elves will still exist as potential combos in the new system.
Speaking of half orc a they got a huge buff and are great for dex classes now.
From what I gather, what he is saying is he is a play tester of the new system set to come out next august, he stats that the holder of the IP dnd no longer wants Half/ anything no half or no half elf as there is blow back from a certain community. And he also stats that Dwarves will be one race now no longer multi/ sub races
This is false controversy. Half orcs elves dwarfs ext are still in , they are part of the linage system.
I'd take a +1 in every stat over a bunch of proficiencies that are completely useless for many builds/classes, especially fighters. Human fighters are almost literally pointless, you'd be better off with pretty much any other race. Same story for half-elf, if you're not using those proficiencies then they're straight up worse than regular elves. The extra attribute points that these races had were beneficial to ALL builds and were the only selling point for those races in the first place, without them they're effectively pointless if you're not taking advantage of the new proficiencies they get. I'm sure there's plenty of builds you could do that do take advantage of them, in which case good for you, but I don't plan on playing any of those and the stuff I wanted to do is now nerfed or obsolete. Plus, as stated, shield dwarfs might be straight up nerfed with no compensation. Just add an option to give up those proficiencies in exchange for the missing attribute points.
I believe the shield dwarf portion on the nerf is to come in line with the new system and the axe so to speak of the dwarf sub races, that will be all combined into one Master dwarven race. No more shield dwarves
Last edited by Doomlord; 23/07/2305:41 AM.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
I didn't see any fact other than his opinion on this or I missed it. Watch it dont...just sharing
Well it is a fact that this change is coming from the next gen D&D PHB. Now we don't really now about the relationship between Larian and WotC or how involved the latter are with the making of the game. But regardless...whether by choice or by force Larian brought to the game a bunch of stuff from the next PHB. But regardless Larian are not to be blamed matter how you slice it this is official D&D content as created by WotC so if any sore feelings should be directed at WotC.
The only potential nerf was shield dwarf. But even then it's too early to call a nerf.
Humans got a strait buff with the +2 main stat and proficiency an extra +1 in dump stats doesn't matter.
Similar story with half elves they lose 1 point in con or dex, not a big deal, and the light armor profincy for full casters is great.
We also need to see how good the racial weapon bonuses are to determine race balance
Also I'm not sure what you are trying to say in the latter part. Tabletop is thinking of going to pathfinder style where you can create you own custom genetics. Half orcs and half elves will still exist as potential combos in the new system.
Speaking of half orc a they got a huge buff and are great for dex classes now.
From what I gather, what he is saying is he is a play tester of the new system set to come out next august, he stats that the holder of the IP dnd no longer wants Half/ anything no half or no half elf as there is blow back from a certain community. And he also stats that Dwarves will be one race now no longer multi/ sub races
This is false controversy. Half orcs elves dwarfs ext are still in , they are part of the linage system.
Can this linage system be found, ill See if I can find it in dnd beyond, thanks for the info
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Frankly, we are not comfortable, and haven’t been for years with any of the options that start with ‘half’…The half construction is inherently racist so we simply aren’t going to include it in the new Player’s Handbook. If someone wants to play those character options, they’ll
still be in D&D Beyond. They’ll still be in the 2014 Player’s Handbook”
Maybe this will be harder to miss?" End quote, I had a link to the discussion however you cant click it. do a google search is how i found it.
Last edited by Doomlord; 23/07/2305:52 AM.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
I'd take a +1 in every stat over a bunch of proficiencies that are completely useless for many builds/classes, especially fighters. Human fighters are almost literally pointless, you'd be better off with pretty much any other race. Same story for half-elf, if you're not using those proficiencies then they're straight up worse than regular elves. The extra attribute points that these races had were beneficial to ALL builds and were the only selling point for those races in the first place, without them they're effectively pointless if you're not taking advantage of the new proficiencies they get. I'm sure there's plenty of builds you could do that do take advantage of them, in which case good for you, but I don't plan on playing any of those and the stuff I wanted to do is now nerfed or obsolete. Plus, as stated, shield dwarfs might be straight up nerfed with no compensation. Just add an option to give up those proficiencies in exchange for the missing attribute points.
EDIT: I also love the "dump stats" argument, as though every person wants to have dump stats in the first place.
We're talking about buffs and nerfs. A +2 +1 is a buff over full ones, you might like full ones better and thats fine but +2 main stat is stronger.
Human and half elf fighters were already pointless under the old system with half orcs +2 srt and crit buff and Githyanki's +2 str and long jump ability, and hill dwarfs hp. Atleast humans and half elves are top full casters now.
With the new stats half orc is pretty much hands down the best str and dex strikers, though zariel teifling may be close too
Hill dwarf is still probably the best tank
Gith and dragonborn are good flex.
And one again alot of this speculation on balance is kind of pointless untill we see the racial weapons.
Half Elves and Half Orcs will no longer be in the Dnd World...
This seems to be quite common missreading of new rules ...
Half-breed Races still exists, they even expanded a lot, since WotC basicaly stated that you can mix any two races you want.
They just dont get their own entry in manual. Instead it was decided that you get looks out of one parent, and stats out of other one ... and its up to you to pick wich will give you what.
And yes, that means that you can be an Orc who looks litteraly and exactly as a Gnome.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Any videos claiming half orc and elves are being removed is clickbait
Gottcha, thanks greenfire, I did find a discussion I posted above, about the word "half" being raciest and they are removing it. I agree. that was a click bait move. Thanks for the heads up
Last edited by Doomlord; 23/07/2305:59 AM.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Any videos claiming half orc and elves are being removed is clickbait
Gottcha, thanks greenfire, I did find a discussion I posted above, about the word "half" being raciest and they care removing it. I agree. that was a click bait move. Thanks for the heads up
If the video you linked is claiming half races are gone, a year after we have been given rules for how they work now, it's click bait, I wouldent trust anything that content creator says.
When me and Rag agree on something you know there's a problem here
Any videos claiming half orc and elves are being removed is clickbait
Gottcha, thanks greenfire, I did find a discussion I posted above, about the word "half" being raciest and they care removing it. I agree. that was a click bait move. Thanks for the heads up
If the video you linked is claiming half races are gone, a year after we have been given rules for how they work now, it's click bait, I wouldent trust anything that content creator says.
When me and Rag agree on something you know there's a problem here
I am reading the link you sent me, I see there is a Orc now,
"ORC Playable since at least the 3rd edition Monster Manual, the Orc finally makes their way into the roster of core races. Their traits are unchanged from Monsters of the Multiverse, which is strong evidence that those races will work unchanged in the updated ruleset.
The lore text describes Gruumsh briefly, but intentionally skips over how Gruumsh lost an eye. I’m curious to see how WotC will handle that in the future. To make a guess: WotC will do something similar with orcs to what they did with drow where they say that not all orcs followed Gruumsh into his war with Correlan, though some did just as some drow continue to follow Lolth."
Ill keep reading, there is a subrace... found it.
"Subraces both are and aren’t a thing. “Cultural” subraces have gone a way in favor of defining those cultural aspects with your background. Subraces with innate physical effects have stuck around, following the model of the Aasimar published in Monsters of the Multiverse. Effectively, you have one trait that gives you a multiple choice option for your subrace which generally then gives you one or more traits or a suite of innate spellcasting.
The playtest PDF includes a sidebar about characters with mixed racial heritage. You pick one race to define your traits (the mechanical parts), average the lifespans of your parents’ races, and describe your character’s appearance how you see fit. I’m curious to see how this affects half-elves and half-orcs, especially since neither are included in the playtest document.
The races have updated lore entries, too. Where the 2014 PHB describes races as they exist in the Forgotten Realms and very similar worlds, this text takes a broader view of the DnD multiverse and describes settings and deities from numerous official settings including Dragonlance and Eberron."
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
I like 5E well enough. Certainly enough to play a 5E game.
But I'm not sure I care much for OneD&D, or whatever the clown college at WOTC want to call the 5E replacement. It's not like anyone at WOTC give a shit about the players so it feels very reasonable to me that I return the favor and don't give a shit right back at them.
And I'm not blaming Larian for making a change. But I am a bit grumpy that Larian makes this kind of change and then completely refrain from commenting on it. This was supposed to be a 5E experience, not a OneD&D golden shower. If you advertise with hamburgers, and I order a hamburger, then I want a hamburger or I want to be told that I can't have one. What I don't want is someone showing up with avocado on toast and pretending that's what I ordered.
The only potential nerf was shield dwarf. But even then it's too early to call a nerf.
Humans got a strait buff with the +2 main stat and proficiency an extra +1 in dump stats doesn't matter.
Similar story with half elves they lose 1 point in con or dex, not a big deal, and the light armor profincy for full casters is great.
I disagree with you on the half-elf. If it were medium armor, then sure it would be a step up, but you'd need a +2 light armor to match a single spell slot, and a +3 to beat it. The difference in dex is also a +1AC, which is the same benefit as the only light armor that is readily available.
The only potential nerf was shield dwarf. But even then it's too early to call a nerf.
Humans got a strait buff with the +2 main stat and proficiency an extra +1 in dump stats doesn't matter.
Similar story with half elves they lose 1 point in con or dex, not a big deal, and the light armor profincy for full casters is great.
I disagree with you on the half-elf. If it were medium armor, then sure it would be a step up, but you'd need a +2 light armor to match a single spell slot, and a +3 to beat it. The difference in dex is also a +1AC, which is the same benefit as the only light armor that is readily available.
We need to know more on itemization, but in a game with scripted magic items, more armor proficiency is almost certainly a good thing.
And that OneD&D thing looks awful. Everything is so generic. So much bullshit sensitivity nonsense and worry about microaggressions by implying that someone could be genetically better at something than someone else.