Originally Posted by Ixal
Originally Posted by Ieldra2
Originally Posted by Warlocke
I don’t see what’s wrong with me disregarding or breaking FR canon if that’s how I want to play the game. It has no impact on anybody else’s game and there is no mechanical advantage to it, so if you ignore this feature you miss out on nothing.
It's not about what you do. After all, you can mod the game to be unrecognizeable and nobody will care.

It's about Larian actively supporting choices that break the integrity of characters. This is not like DOS2, where classes are just loose collections of starting skills and say little about the characters you assign them, and where characters' stories did not require specific abilities in almost all cases.
Not only that, because features like this gets Implemented, other features get cut.
See Halsin-Helia.

So because some whiny people want to minmax the party and don't care about the lore and story of BG3 we are missing out on things like rolling srats ect.
How does rolling stats fit with lore? Cause we all know most players always roll for maximums.