Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by Ixal
Not only that, because features like this gets Implemented, other features get cut.
See Halsin-Helia.

So because some whiny people want to minmax the party and don't care about the lore and story of BG3 we are missing out on things like rolling srats ect.

Tbh I think Helia was scratched for Durge and Halsin is a plus one basically.

I don't get, what you mean with the last part. What has respeccing companions to do with rolling dice?
There is only so much time to implement and test features.
To make sure that complete origin respecs works and do not screw up cutscenes some other minor feature was not implemented or not tested.
Development is a 0 sum game limited by time and money. For everything added something else gets left out.