Originally Posted by 1varangian
I can't believe they are caving in before entitled players who want to have everything their way, even if it doesn't make any sense.

Isn't this an RPG that is trying to tell a story? In that story Shadowheart is a Cleric of X and Gale is a Wizard. Period. The gameplay absolutely has to match that. This is not a case where the player gets to tell their own story where Shadowheart was a Bard instead, because the narrative doesn't and shouldn't bend that much. Larian should pride themselves enough in this and assume it's better for the player, in the end, to experience the game as a cohesive presentation where gameplay and narrative support each other rather than giving player tools to mess it all up in a sandbox fit. Help teach kids they can't always get what they want.

Well, Larian has never been masters of immersion and world-building. Even in this early access of BG3, it lacks atmosphere, and Tav is an anonymous and random guy with nothing to tell. I agree that changing the classes of companions is a mistake. Choosing the subclass seems like a much better balance between freedom and narrative fidelity.