Originally Posted by Ixal
For the purpose of reactivity the origin characters will still count as having their original class and not the respecced one.
So instead of reactivity checking the class a character has they now have a class for cutscenes and a class for gameplay.

Also its not only cutscenes but also quest design. Now you cant have for example a personal quest for Halsin that requires him to use wildshape to get past obstacles because the archdruid might not be a druid anymore.

No, they do not have a class in cutscenes. They have pre-rendered animations and actions. A class is part of a game system. Their class won’t match the pre-rendered animations and narrative of the cutscenes, but that doesn’t take any extra work for Larian, so this doesn’t further the point you are trying to make.

A quest for Halsin that REQUIRES him to use Wild Shape would never happen, as Larian don’t design quests where there is only one way to completion requiring a specific skill to be used.

Sorry, but you are really just grasping at straws.