Originally Posted by Warlocke
The characters who have the strongest narrative-class ties I will probably never respec, but why not just give people that option if they want it? Larian could go through for each character and try and determine which classes, if any, make sense for respecing. Or, they could just say it’s your playthrough; do what you want.
This is exactly the thing. If Larian went through each character and said "Shadowheart can only be a Cleric or Monk because such is our creative vision for her", it would be a clear way for them to set boundaries. The alternative - letting us do as we please - is communicating they don't really care much for their own creative intent and it's okay for us to rip it apart during our playthroughs. I understand that this is them offering more options in your view, but to many of us it's just another case of classic Larian whimsical silliness and it gets quite tiresome. And that's only considering the narrative aspect of it.