@N7Greenfire: I'm just answering this last time as I don't want to drag on derailing this thread. If you need anything else PM me.

The problem is scope. Older games like DAO or focused games like W3 had far less development time invested on sex scenes. You don't seem to have the understanding how much work goes into romance scenes, especially in BG3. 'Playersexual' doesn't solve the problem, it is the problem in BG's case because of all the races with different body sizes need to fit together - if you don't work in animation you have most likely no clue whatsoever how problematic these cinematics are. I had the pleasure to work on just a minor part of one of the AAA-sex scenes and they are so much more demanding technically to get them right than anything else.

I have no issue if someone likes hentai. All the power to them. I have an issue with content quality in games because it is my job. Those sex scenes don't look good in games because of video game limitations and even for the poor content quality they eat up a lot of time. That's why I prefer not doing them. Uncanny Valley is a thing and sex scenes are one of those places were it always becomes obvious. I rather spent resources on other parts of the games than the unproportionate amount needed to make those look 'decent' enough to not be ashamed of the quality.

And no - Andromeda didn't fail because of lack of romances, it was a game that had a lot of issues. No romance could have saved it.