Originally Posted by Doomlord
Originally Posted by Darth_Trethon
Originally Posted by Doomlord
As a hetero sexual male, I feel I have little choice in the matter.

1. Shadowheart, cool her actress/model is beautiful, and as stated in other posts I like her.

2. LAE'ZEL, I do like her attitude. But no. She isn't even human/Dwarven How do we even know how her... you know... work.

3. Lastly KARLACH, yet again not even human/Dwarven. Not to mention she smells of brimstone.

So straight Human/dwarf.. goes with out love. lol
Generally speaking D&D doesn't specifically define genitalia but as with most mammals we can assume they work as approximation of human genitalia. And since the game lets you customize that component you can go in the character creator and try to create a Githyanki or a Tiefling and you know...have a look at what parts those species have in BG3.

Anyhow, ridiculous topic aside, you forgot to mention Minthara, who in my opinion is probably the most interesting romance option after Shadowheart.

your right about Minthara, very beautiful model. I would like to say or add, that I think the model that did Lae'zel is beautiful as well.

But back to Minthara, She is a big no because I have read many a book on drow and it never really ends well for the male, let alone a male from another race.

Of all my playthroughs I only sided with the drow/goblins once, if I remember, I never seen her again. Not sure how a romance would have worked out.

Last edited by Doomlord; 26/07/23 01:29 AM.

DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off...
Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk