Joined: Jul 2023
Hail, and well met, all.
I can't seem to find a search function, so maybe there's already a thread for this... if so, kindly direct me to it, thank you.
I thought it might be fun to have a thread consisting of character back stories.
Here's mine.
A High Elf Arcane Trickster I've been playing in a weekly campaign for about 6 months, and plan to be my first BG3 playthrough.
Born to one of the oldest and wealthiest noble High Elf families, the House of Andaron, Khyrmn grew up running around, playing hide & seek, and tag with the members of the family's Intelligence arm.
This brought him to the attention of the commander of the Intelligence arm, who started devising various tasks and tests, resembling games, to both test, and further enhance Khyrmn's natural, duck to water, skills and aptitude to join his branch of service to the family, as opposed to the family's school of magic.
Showing more of a talent for, let alone interest in, the skills of a spy/rogue/assassin than the boring study of the magics of Wizarding, (thus dashing his parents' hopes of Khyrmn becoming a Grand Wizard of the Kingdom), Khyrmn took to the clandestine training like a fish to water.
Over the years Khyrmn had grown in skill and experience, having taken on several missions for the family, including intelligence gathering, assassination, framing members of opposing family members of treason, and all sorts of chicanery, thus strengthening his family's position in the kingdom while weakening others.
Eventually his parents became targets of reprisal due to their wealth, power & influence in the kingdom.
Due to his own experience with assassination, Khyrmn recognized and thwarted two assassination attempts, ultimately killing the Assassins during the second attempt.
His parents were whisked away to live with the King, where no one would ever be foolish enough to attempt another assassination.
However, now HE was the target.
Khyrmn was forced to leave home and join the outside world where he could both hide and more importantly, find out who was behind the attempted assassination attempts. The only clue from one of the assassins, was that he was Human. No Elf family would utilize an assassin squad that used Humans, or any other non-Elf.
The author of this treachery had to be from the outside world... and Khyrmn planned to find out who it was, and deal with them in spectacular fashion.
May the gods have mercy on your soul... because I won't... Khyrmn, Captain in the Intelligence Arm for the House of Andaron Master Arcane Trickster
Joined: Apr 2013
I really wouldn't worry about creating some imagined backstory for your character because either a) the game doesn't acknowledge the custom character existed before the game started(and this is the most likely) or b) the game will have other ideas in mind for who your character was before the start of the game. Either way not particularly relevant. During character creation you can set a background but the only effects that has is to give you some proficiencies and determines some challenges you can do to earn inspiration and if you're lucky you might get a dialogue choice or two. But really the background selection during character creation isn't terribly important beyond the proficiencies it gives you so select something that compliments your build well with proficiencies you can make use of.
Last edited by Darth_Trethon; 26/07/23 09:44 PM.
Joined: Jan 2018
People make up elaborate backstories for the fun of it, not because they expect the game to acknowledge it.
Joined: Jul 2023
People make up elaborate backstories for the fun of it, not because they expect the game to acknowledge it. BINGO!!!
May the gods have mercy on your soul... because I won't... Khyrmn, Captain in the Intelligence Arm for the House of Andaron Master Arcane Trickster
Joined: Apr 2013
People make up elaborate backstories for the fun of it, not because they expect the game to acknowledge it. I find that rather pointless for this game. At an actual D&D table sure, your DM might decide to roll with the backstories of the players so that could evolve in interesting adventures. But I wouldn't do it for a videogame where such things don't matter to the game. Plus there is a chance that the custom character also has a pre-determined backstory yet to be revealed in some plot-twist.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Tavlado Bloom grew up as an orphan with golden scales covering his body. Learing to disguise self early to hide his scales he was sold to/adopted by a blacksmith who needed an apprentice.
He crushed hard on the daughter of a local magistrate, often doing work for her father. But turns out she was gay.
Tavlando it turns out was a rather middling smith. Never having the aptitude to create anything of note.
Lacking any willpower to devolpe his innate magical potential, he seemed destined for a life of mediocrity and dissapointment, untill the merciful arm of the Nautiloid scooped him up.
Joined: Jul 2022
Tavlado Bloom grew up as an orphan with golden scales covering his body. Learing to disguise self early to hide his scales he was sold to/adopted by a blacksmith who needed an apprentice.
He crushed hard on the daughter of a local magistrate, often doing work for her father. But turns out she was gay.
Tavlando it turns out was a rather middling smith. Never having the aptitude to create anything of note.
Lacking any willpower to devolpe his innate magical potential, he seemed destined for a life of mediocrity and dissapointment, untill the merciful arm of the Nautiloid scooped him up. I had an idea of making a bronze dragonborn sorcerer with the gold draconic bloodline. Kind of a reference to the Villentretenmerth from the Witcher books. Disguise Self active use is a very cool twist for a Tav character.
Joined: Jan 2018
People make up elaborate backstories for the fun of it, not because they expect the game to acknowledge it. I find that rather pointless for this game. At an actual D&D table sure, your DM might decide to roll with the backstories of the players so that could evolve in interesting adventures. But I wouldn't do it for a videogame where such things don't matter to the game. Plus there is a chance that the custom character also has a pre-determined backstory yet to be revealed in some plot-twist. đđź Neato burrito
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Tavlado Bloom grew up as an orphan with golden scales covering his body. Learing to disguise self early to hide his scales he was sold to/adopted by a blacksmith who needed an apprentice.
He crushed hard on the daughter of a local magistrate, often doing work for her father. But turns out she was gay.
Tavlando it turns out was a rather middling smith. Never having the aptitude to create anything of note.
Lacking any willpower to devolpe his innate magical potential, he seemed destined for a life of mediocrity and dissapointment, untill the merciful arm of the Nautiloid scooped him up. I had an idea of making a bronze dragonborn sorcerer with the gold draconic bloodline. Kind of a reference to the Villentretenmerth from the Witcher books. Disguise Self active use is a very cool twist for a Tav character. Yeah I wanted to play a sorcerer, but we know tav is a baldurian, or atleast was, so I wasn't trying to come up with an originvthat works for an average dude sorcerer
Joined: Oct 2021
He was a young prodigy, gifted with a wizard's education. Although in youth he could be considered somewhat of a scamp, in time he grew to be a world-class wizard. In fact, he rose to become a formidable archmage within one of the largest cities in Faerun. He achieved such heights of magic that even Mystra herself--the goddess of magic--noticed him and took him as a lover. Unfortunately, things didn't work out, largely because of his own hubris. He made an attempt to usurp her godhood, but she stole his magic away and cursed him.
I'm not entirely sure yet how she cursed him, but I'm thinking she put some kind of dangerous artifact in his chest. I'm talking a powerful artifact, like one that could, say, destroy an entire city.
He didn't just learn his lesson for his hubris. Now he is burdened with worry, concerned about the potential devastation he could unleash on other folks nearby. Now he has to fight against going through ceremorphosis because he fears such would not only end his existence, but also imperil more lives than even he could imagine.
I'm still working on a name.
And yes, party-pooper above, I know, I can't expect the game to acknowledge my backstory perfectly, but it's just some flavor stuff I like to keep in my head as I'm playing. Let me pretend, will ya?
Last edited by JandK; 26/07/23 11:29 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Depends on which version of Azrael,
Original Version:
He's a Chaotic Horny/Chaotic Good Zariel Tiefling Monk Charlatan that seduces noble women into sex by lying about being foreign noblity, technically a half truth and then loot their valuables the morning after, not the brightest bulb in the room, gets the job done anyways
Or the revamped version:
where he's a Zariel Tiefling Paladin that serves as a member of Flaming Fist looking for the fabled "moral compass" still a Chaotic Horny Idiot but less horny, less heroic and dumber than before, this version has more of an Invader Zim like personality and rarely understands things like metaphors, takes everything very literal, even the Moral Compass that he seeks is a metaphor he doesn't understand,
Extra stuff that both versions share with eachother:
Both versions were born in Hells and both versions have an evil identical twin, their Mom is a cambion so there's none of that Pact BS, both versions of Azrael later made it to Baldur's Gate when he was around 8 or 9 after following a foolish mage through a portal, the mage themselves accidentally sent themselves to the hells with a teleportation spell, Both versions were specifically planned for a "Descent Into Avernus" Campaign,
Conclusion, blueprint notes:
I admit I heavily borrowed some stuff from Devil May Cry, human toned hornless white haired pretty boy tiefling with evil identical twin brother, even during concept phase he was planned to be a demon hunting ranger, but I decided against it since it would've another thing I would've borrowed from DMC, haven't thought of their father but he could potentially be a Bardbarian or a Bardlock Tiefling still working on that one
Last edited by Sai the Elf; 27/07/23 12:07 AM. Reason: Just to make it easier to read
Joined: Jul 2023
I ended up writing a whole page of backstory because I felt inspired, but I'll cut it to just the main bullet points here. I'm going to keep this character in reserve for possible use in an actual game someday.
Kasimir, Tiefling Cleric of Ilmater Born to a devil-worshipping cult centered around his cambion father. Criminal youth, subject of familial abuse and racism. Eventually he was caught as a result of crimes and nearly lynched, saved only by the intervention of a cleric of Ilmater. The cleric died to rescue his sorry ass and Kasimir suddenly realized that most people are not constantly horrible and wracked with guilt. He joined the church of Ilmater to make up for bad deeds. Is still wracked with guilt, but pretty good at hiding it.
The person he dreams of is himself as a regular human. He's over-corrected on his moral compass and absolutely hates himself for things both in and out of his own control.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Copying myself from Reddit:
First run: Dusk, a Seldarine drow druid. She grew up in the Underdark, learning about the flora and fauna there initially for the purpose of making poisons and such. Every once in awhile, something would make its way down to her from the sunlit realms - a flower, a critter, etc. - and she grew... curious. Then more than curious. And finally, one day, she took an opportunity to escape, and explore the strange new world for herself.
Next run: Merrilee, an elven or half elven bard (wood elf variety) with lots of frizzy red hair. A bit mischievous, a bit naive, she makes her living as an entertainer at one of the smaller taverns in Baldur's Gate, doing some acting on the side. She's the daughter of Gorion's Ward and Xan. I'm gonna do my best to recreate my favorite BG1/2 portrait in the BG3 character creator.
Joined: Oct 2020
Your Character and their story Here's an old thread I remember had people describing their EA tavs. I still intend to play Merelda on my first runthrough, I'm not sure if I'll be doing concurrent runs though. Merelda, Halfling Wizard (illusion - eventually) Guild Artisan, Baldurian (provisionally).
She's a graduate of some college of magic whose guild artisan background I've chosen to interpret as an orthographic occupation. As a halfling and a Baldurian, she's not used to being alone, and probably still hasn't lived on her own or even had a room of her own, all the more reason to want to overlook some things in her travelling companions. Going to school was the first time she ever left her borough for any extended period of time, being abducted is likely the first time she's ever been more than a days travel from the city itself.
Consciously, she's very conflict averse, and being so[ out of her depth during this adventure, is apt to behave pretty pusillanimously, but overriding this is a deep curiosity that has the side-effect of putting her into such fraught situations (so she'll be terrified of the Book of the Dead, but she can't help but read it). Kind-Hearted and communitarian, she'll be happy to advocate for the abused and help the down-trodden but she'll never choose to use violence to solve problems in any situation, even against nasty goblins (can't quite square this with the game yet)
She's not looking to be a leader, she'll be hoping somebody else take initiative in the group, but in lieu of that she'll be more scared of the group disbanding, leaving her alone to deal with the tadpole, and is willing to massage a few ego's to keep that from happening.
So in otherwords: an earnest halfling about to go on a long journey, hopefully to make it there and back again. Illusion magic is a bit of an asperation considering it's the most difficult to implement in a computer game. I might go with Sorcerer.
Last edited by Sozz; 27/07/23 12:13 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Hey look, there I am in the old thread, and... yeah, done a bit of rethinking since then. Had plenty of time!
Joined: Jul 2023
... And yes, party-pooper above, I know, I can't expect the game to acknowledge my backstory perfectly, but it's just some flavor stuff I like to keep in my head as I'm playing. Let me pretend, will ya? Amen!! That's all this is about, RP/pretend for OURSELVES, and this thread to hopefully entertain others.
May the gods have mercy on your soul... because I won't... Khyrmn, Captain in the Intelligence Arm for the House of Andaron Master Arcane Trickster
Joined: Jul 2023
Thank you for that, my apologies, I never saw that one... time to do some reading đ
May the gods have mercy on your soul... because I won't... Khyrmn, Captain in the Intelligence Arm for the House of Andaron Master Arcane Trickster
Joined: Oct 2020
Thank you for that, my apologies, I never saw that one... time to do some reading đ 2020 was quite some time ago, I donât think anyone will hold it against you :p Hey look, there I am in the old thread, and... yeah, done a bit of rethinking since then. Had plenty of time! Itâs been nice seeing some of the oldbies returning as we approach the release. Maybe weâll get some more fanfiction soon too 
Joined: Oct 2020
I was also a part of the earlier thread! I'll just go ahead and quote myself (this is old and even though I made some slight modifications, expect errors xd ): I love this thread and I love each of your stories. I've written way too elaborate descriptions and background story for my characters (especially now that I am preparing for a full fledged 4man player-made squad) but I did write something that I could share here. In a moment of inspiration, I wrote these short pieces to each character (however, three remain unfinished) to practice and have something to lean back on once I start a proper story and to get a proper feeling for their characteristics and personas. Those who write will know what I mean.  First of all - these are written from PC perspective (as you'll figure out rather quickly), and my characters are all portrayed as potential companions. I've tried really hard to stay true to the lore of the Forgotten Realms through the Player Handbook and the Wiki, but please - if anybody see anything amiss, do not hesitate to tell me. I want my "fanfiction" to be accurate and believable.  I am cooking up the "personal introduction" section for 6 characters (yes, I know we can only play as 4 but my brain said 6 special characters, so there will be 6 characters in my story - though two will not be directly in the party neither story-wise nor game-wise.) Warning: these are super-mega-ultra cookie-cutter so don't expect something super creative or original. It just felt right for these characters. :] -- Storytime! -- Finally, you find yourself at the local inn. The room is buzzing with laughter, glasses clinging and shattering, music, singing and occasional shouting. You nod at the man behind the counter which gives you a subtle pointing towards an elderly lady sitting at the corner seat of the counter. The elderly lady looks at the bartender in surprise, and then turn her attention to you as you approach. "Finally here," She snickers, "Just look at me! You had me waiting so long that I grew old in the process." She laughs again, seemingly very entertained at her own joke. She leans in closely, you can feel her breath against your face and you can smell a vague scent of cheap ale as she whispers, "Right now I have three people looking for work. Neither is interested in gold but rather..." She stops, shaking her head slowly. âNevermind. Itâs better if you speak with them yourself.â She gives you a nod in three different directions. Following her glance, you quickly find the three individuals sheâs referring to. At the entrance you see a female elf accompanied by an owl. At the corner of the inn, at a lonely table you see a pale male elf. And finally, by the window, you see an armored male half-elf. Who will you approach first? <Approach the pale elven man sitting at the far corner, reading > A male elf sits at a lonely table in the corner, reading. He is as pale as death with raven black hair. Judging by his robe and the potions and scrolls hanging from his belt, you would assume that he is a wizard or perhaps a sorcerer or warlock. His hair is well combed, although his attire has some occasional tears in it. The most obvious sign of his travelling, however, would be his eyes. Vague, but visible, dark circles surround his eyes and his almost grim expression tells the tale of recent haunting adventures. He does not even notice as you approach until you cough in order to gain his attention - the elf looks up, startled. âOh, I... Wait, who are you?â The elf peers at you with a expression best described as both surprised and suspicious, then suddenly, as if just now realizing where he is, he sighs and his face returns to a more neutral state. âAh, right. I suppose a presentation is in order.â He stands up and makes a low effort bow. âLauendell Liadon at your service.â He sits down again, his expression is almost bored, he continues with another sigh. âI am a...â He suddenly stops himself, his eyes darting around for a moment before continuing. He seems somewhat more alert than before. âA wizard. Yes, of course. I am a traveling wizard. I am... uhm, just looking for some artifacts and clues to some...â He hesitates yet again, his face takes on a red-ish hue as he clumsily continues. âWizardly... Business.â He closes his eyes shut, as if trying to regain focus, his face returning to itâs regular pale color. When he opens his eyes again, he appears somewhat more relaxed and he speaks slower, more seriously. âYou must forgive me, I...â He rubs his temples with one hand before continuing. âHave not had a good nights rest since the finale of my last.... Adventure.â He looks away, waving his hand in a dismissive gesture, however - the gesture does not seem to be aimed at you. âBut alas, as always, duty calls and my mission is not yet over and it does require someone of... discretion. So, here I am searching for some fellow adventures, matching that criteria.â He pauses, and for the first time during the entire conversation, he looks into your eyes and smiles faintly - almost in a friendly way. âI am a wizard, like I mentioned before. I am adept in many things of the arcane arts - but my specialization lies in fire and lightning magic.â He clicks his tongue and frowns, lost in thought. He sighs yet again and gives you a tired smile. âOf course, I am ready to compensate the inconvenience by assisting you in your own matters. My spells are at your disposal, should you be willing to help me.â <Approach the female elf standing near the entrance> A female elf with strawberry blonde hair and a pretty smile stand before you, hidden in a dark green cowl. She regards you with a slight wave as your eyes meet hers and you notice a rather unusual trait - her eyes have different colors; one eye is green and one is golden. She is armed with bow and quiver, and you notice that she also carries a small hidden dagger attached to her left boot, as well as a short sword sheathed by the right side of her waist. Her right shoulder and arm is significantly less armored than their counterpart and seems to be covered in pale green tattoos in what appears to of a somewhat tribal origin. The tattoos almost seem to be shimmering in the dim light of the tavern. A brown owl is sitting on her armored shoulder - it peers at you with huge yellow-tinted eyes. As you approach, it tilts it's head in an almost questionable manner. The elven woman pulls her cowl back, revealing some feather decoration in her hair, which are of similar color to the feathers of her owl.âGreetings, traveler. My name is Ivara, and this...â she gestures at the owl, âis Kuro. Donât worry, she wonât bite nor claw without good reason.â She throws a glance at her owl before returning her attention to you, still smiling. âI am looking for ...â Her smile disappears as she hesitates for just a second. âSomeone important.â The hesitation in her eyes disappear, and her gentle smiles appears once more. âBut unfortunately theyâve proven hard to track, and I could use some help. In return, Iâll offer my assistance on your own quest.â She chuckles. âAs you might have guessed, I am a ranger. I was being trained to become an Arcane Archer, a defender of our home, but...â She shrugs, but her smile remains. âMy training was interrupted before I could finish it. I do however possess some useful magical skills thanks to my mentor, so it was not all in vain - although our primary ability...â She scratches the owls head. âIs to track and hunt.â She winks at you. âAnd we prefer to do so at night. If you help me find the person I am looking for, then Iâll lend you my skills as a tracker and huntress.â <Approach the armored half-elf by the window> Out of all the people in the crowd, a blonde half-elf stands out. Youâre certain he is a half-elf because his blonde hair is tied back, revealing his elven ears, yet his facial hair hints at human heritage. His eyes are as golden as his hair and although his skin is not quite bronze colored, you feel rather certain that the man before you is half sun elf which is rather rare indeed, considering sun elvesâ views of other races. He is covered in full plate armor, only missing his helmet. His posture is straight and proud and he salutes you as you approach. A medallion drops from his hand only to hang freely from the chain wrapped around his wrist. You catch a glimpse of Lathanderâs famous symbol on it before your attention is directed at the the friendly face in front of you. âHail, traveler. I am Erdan Goldpetal, at your service.â The half-elf bows formally before you. âI am here seeking fellow adventurers to accompany me on my quest to find a murderer, and bring him to a nearby city for trial.â The paladin smiles friendly at you, his eyes glowing with determination. âThe man I am looking for has been accused of murdering a noble woman and her fiance, sacrificing them in a gruesome ritual.â The paladin breaks eye contact with you and shakes his head regretfully, his thoughts wandering elsewhere for a second before he return his attention to you. âMy superiors had me installed to ensure that he is escorted for a fair trial where he can face his accusations and the consequences of his actions. He is to be taken alive and to be brought to the trial at all costs.â He corrects his already upright posture and places a closed fist on his chest. His voice rings crystal clear. âI am a paladin, sworn to the Oath of Devotion. I offer you the protection of my shield and magic during your own quest, should you agree to assist me on my own mission.â He lowers his hand, standing more relaxed than before - but retaining his formal posture. He gives you a genuine smile, and you are not quite sure whether it is a trick of the light combined with the frame of his shield or just your imagination, but you could swear you see a golden aura surrounding his blonde hair as he calmly continues. âI would rather die than see my companions harmed, you have my word.â To answer the thread: My first character will be Ivara (earlier named Aei, but I did edit the name as I quoted myself). She is a wild elf that dedicated her life to become an arcane archer; a defender of her homelands. Unfortunately, she did not finish her training (because Larian did not include arcane archers (: ) before her brother disappeared. So she embarked on a long quest to find him; aiding those in need on the way. She was looking for clues in Baldur's Gate when she got nabbed by the mind flayers.
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
Joined: Jan 2022
I have, like 10 characters I'm considering. Only a few have detailed backstories.
Zedabog Druegar Gloomstalker, Urchin and Bounty Hunter. Came into Baldurs Gate through the sewers as a refugee from the Underdark. Grew up in the slums and made his coin hunting criminals in the places the authorities wouldn't go.
Boldgar Druegar Spore Druid. Outlander of the Underdark. He has a wonderful relationship with the Myconids.
Gravelok Half-Orc Former Captain. A member of a fleet of necromancer pirates. He commanded a crew of the undead and terrorized the Sword Coast until he was betrayed by his fellow captains and chose to jump overboard rather than be killed and join their crew. Losing everything, he washed up in Baldurs Gate, just in time to be abducted by Mindflayers.
Aelwyn High Half-Elf Charlatan. She never had a strong relationship with her Elf side, instead choosing to make her way in the city by scams and plots. However, one day she scammed the wrong person and was confronted by thugs in an alley. A haunting voice called in her mind offering a deal. Power to defend herself in exchange for advancing their mysterious agenda. She agreed and became an Warlock of the Archfey.
Melphina Asmodeus Tiefling Monk. An orphan left by parents on the steps of a hidden temple. She was raised by Acolytes and steeped in the Way of Shadows. She had ventured into Baldurs Gate to find her human parents, but was found herself by Mindflayers.
Ja'akas Githyanki Bard, College of Swords. Never able to fit into the militaristic society of his crèche, he ran away at a young age and fell in with a troop of troubadours. He put his early training to good use, reenacting famous battles on stage with theatrical flourishes. Now in a makeshift band of abducted, he intends to annoy Lae'zel... or seduce her.
Figgins Rock Gnome Cleric, Knowledge Domain. Some gnomes revere intelligence and become wizards or artificers. Figgins takes it to a whole different level, worshipping the very gods of knowledge.
Dorn Dragornborn Noble and Sorcerer. The Dragonborn are descended from Dragons. It is known. But ones with stronger connections to their ancestors are held in higher regard. Such is Dorn. And his birthright brought raw magical power.
Aglwulf Halfling Wild Magic Barbarian. No one knows where this feral creature originated. He was discovered by a regiment of soldiers patrolling a deep forest and lured into their camp with food. Somehow, the rough men and women found his crude ways endearing and made him their mascot. The surprise was theirs when he turned out to be useful in a fight, tearing through a party of highway robbers like a miniature pack of wolves.
Orsythe Human Battlemaster Fighter. A veteran of many battles, he's a master of tactics, knowing just the right time and place to put an arrow to turn the momentum in his favor.