Joined: Oct 2020
I was also a part of the earlier thread! I'll just go ahead and quote myself (this is old and even though I made some slight modifications, expect errors xd ): I love this thread and I love each of your stories. I've written way too elaborate descriptions and background story for my characters (especially now that I am preparing for a full fledged 4man player-made squad) but I did write something that I could share here. In a moment of inspiration, I wrote these short pieces to each character (however, three remain unfinished) to practice and have something to lean back on once I start a proper story and to get a proper feeling for their characteristics and personas. Those who write will know what I mean.  First of all - these are written from PC perspective (as you'll figure out rather quickly), and my characters are all portrayed as potential companions. I've tried really hard to stay true to the lore of the Forgotten Realms through the Player Handbook and the Wiki, but please - if anybody see anything amiss, do not hesitate to tell me. I want my "fanfiction" to be accurate and believable.  I am cooking up the "personal introduction" section for 6 characters (yes, I know we can only play as 4 but my brain said 6 special characters, so there will be 6 characters in my story - though two will not be directly in the party neither story-wise nor game-wise.) Warning: these are super-mega-ultra cookie-cutter so don't expect something super creative or original. It just felt right for these characters. :] -- Storytime! -- Finally, you find yourself at the local inn. The room is buzzing with laughter, glasses clinging and shattering, music, singing and occasional shouting. You nod at the man behind the counter which gives you a subtle pointing towards an elderly lady sitting at the corner seat of the counter. The elderly lady looks at the bartender in surprise, and then turn her attention to you as you approach. "Finally here," She snickers, "Just look at me! You had me waiting so long that I grew old in the process." She laughs again, seemingly very entertained at her own joke. She leans in closely, you can feel her breath against your face and you can smell a vague scent of cheap ale as she whispers, "Right now I have three people looking for work. Neither is interested in gold but rather..." She stops, shaking her head slowly. “Nevermind. It’s better if you speak with them yourself.” She gives you a nod in three different directions. Following her glance, you quickly find the three individuals she’s referring to. At the entrance you see a female elf accompanied by an owl. At the corner of the inn, at a lonely table you see a pale male elf. And finally, by the window, you see an armored male half-elf. Who will you approach first? <Approach the pale elven man sitting at the far corner, reading > A male elf sits at a lonely table in the corner, reading. He is as pale as death with raven black hair. Judging by his robe and the potions and scrolls hanging from his belt, you would assume that he is a wizard or perhaps a sorcerer or warlock. His hair is well combed, although his attire has some occasional tears in it. The most obvious sign of his travelling, however, would be his eyes. Vague, but visible, dark circles surround his eyes and his almost grim expression tells the tale of recent haunting adventures. He does not even notice as you approach until you cough in order to gain his attention - the elf looks up, startled. “Oh, I... Wait, who are you?” The elf peers at you with a expression best described as both surprised and suspicious, then suddenly, as if just now realizing where he is, he sighs and his face returns to a more neutral state. “Ah, right. I suppose a presentation is in order.” He stands up and makes a low effort bow. “Lauendell Liadon at your service.” He sits down again, his expression is almost bored, he continues with another sigh. “I am a...” He suddenly stops himself, his eyes darting around for a moment before continuing. He seems somewhat more alert than before. “A wizard. Yes, of course. I am a traveling wizard. I am... uhm, just looking for some artifacts and clues to some...” He hesitates yet again, his face takes on a red-ish hue as he clumsily continues. “Wizardly... Business.” He closes his eyes shut, as if trying to regain focus, his face returning to it’s regular pale color. When he opens his eyes again, he appears somewhat more relaxed and he speaks slower, more seriously. “You must forgive me, I...” He rubs his temples with one hand before continuing. “Have not had a good nights rest since the finale of my last.... Adventure.” He looks away, waving his hand in a dismissive gesture, however - the gesture does not seem to be aimed at you. “But alas, as always, duty calls and my mission is not yet over and it does require someone of... discretion. So, here I am searching for some fellow adventures, matching that criteria.” He pauses, and for the first time during the entire conversation, he looks into your eyes and smiles faintly - almost in a friendly way. “I am a wizard, like I mentioned before. I am adept in many things of the arcane arts - but my specialization lies in fire and lightning magic.” He clicks his tongue and frowns, lost in thought. He sighs yet again and gives you a tired smile. “Of course, I am ready to compensate the inconvenience by assisting you in your own matters. My spells are at your disposal, should you be willing to help me.” <Approach the female elf standing near the entrance> A female elf with strawberry blonde hair and a pretty smile stand before you, hidden in a dark green cowl. She regards you with a slight wave as your eyes meet hers and you notice a rather unusual trait - her eyes have different colors; one eye is green and one is golden. She is armed with bow and quiver, and you notice that she also carries a small hidden dagger attached to her left boot, as well as a short sword sheathed by the right side of her waist. Her right shoulder and arm is significantly less armored than their counterpart and seems to be covered in pale green tattoos in what appears to of a somewhat tribal origin. The tattoos almost seem to be shimmering in the dim light of the tavern. A brown owl is sitting on her armored shoulder - it peers at you with huge yellow-tinted eyes. As you approach, it tilts it's head in an almost questionable manner. The elven woman pulls her cowl back, revealing some feather decoration in her hair, which are of similar color to the feathers of her owl.“Greetings, traveler. My name is Ivara, and this...” she gestures at the owl, “is Kuro. Don’t worry, she won’t bite nor claw without good reason.” She throws a glance at her owl before returning her attention to you, still smiling. “I am looking for ...” Her smile disappears as she hesitates for just a second. “Someone important.” The hesitation in her eyes disappear, and her gentle smiles appears once more. “But unfortunately they’ve proven hard to track, and I could use some help. In return, I’ll offer my assistance on your own quest.” She chuckles. “As you might have guessed, I am a ranger. I was being trained to become an Arcane Archer, a defender of our home, but...” She shrugs, but her smile remains. “My training was interrupted before I could finish it. I do however possess some useful magical skills thanks to my mentor, so it was not all in vain - although our primary ability...” She scratches the owls head. “Is to track and hunt.” She winks at you. “And we prefer to do so at night. If you help me find the person I am looking for, then I’ll lend you my skills as a tracker and huntress.” <Approach the armored half-elf by the window> Out of all the people in the crowd, a blonde half-elf stands out. You’re certain he is a half-elf because his blonde hair is tied back, revealing his elven ears, yet his facial hair hints at human heritage. His eyes are as golden as his hair and although his skin is not quite bronze colored, you feel rather certain that the man before you is half sun elf which is rather rare indeed, considering sun elves’ views of other races. He is covered in full plate armor, only missing his helmet. His posture is straight and proud and he salutes you as you approach. A medallion drops from his hand only to hang freely from the chain wrapped around his wrist. You catch a glimpse of Lathander’s famous symbol on it before your attention is directed at the the friendly face in front of you. “Hail, traveler. I am Erdan Goldpetal, at your service.” The half-elf bows formally before you. “I am here seeking fellow adventurers to accompany me on my quest to find a murderer, and bring him to a nearby city for trial.” The paladin smiles friendly at you, his eyes glowing with determination. “The man I am looking for has been accused of murdering a noble woman and her fiance, sacrificing them in a gruesome ritual.” The paladin breaks eye contact with you and shakes his head regretfully, his thoughts wandering elsewhere for a second before he return his attention to you. “My superiors had me installed to ensure that he is escorted for a fair trial where he can face his accusations and the consequences of his actions. He is to be taken alive and to be brought to the trial at all costs.” He corrects his already upright posture and places a closed fist on his chest. His voice rings crystal clear. “I am a paladin, sworn to the Oath of Devotion. I offer you the protection of my shield and magic during your own quest, should you agree to assist me on my own mission.” He lowers his hand, standing more relaxed than before - but retaining his formal posture. He gives you a genuine smile, and you are not quite sure whether it is a trick of the light combined with the frame of his shield or just your imagination, but you could swear you see a golden aura surrounding his blonde hair as he calmly continues. “I would rather die than see my companions harmed, you have my word.” To answer the thread: My first character will be Ivara (earlier named Aei, but I did edit the name as I quoted myself). She is a wild elf that dedicated her life to become an arcane archer; a defender of her homelands. Unfortunately, she did not finish her training (because Larian did not include arcane archers (: ) before her brother disappeared. So she embarked on a long quest to find him; aiding those in need on the way. She was looking for clues in Baldur's Gate when she got nabbed by the mind flayers.
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian