Honestly in this game where if you go full evil you get access to a lot of different places and quests and such it's just much more interesting. I want to go there. I already know what the good camp wants...on no, we're in trouble, go find the bandits there, go save the kitten from the tree over there, help us set defenses, blah blah blah. Nah I want to go hang out in the evil camp...like when Kethrick says you have total power over the goblins that was fun...a lot of fun. I want to see a lot more of that. And being in an evil camp there are different dinamics at play...you get to play with a lot more subterfuge and deception...how far can I take that? If I defeat Kethric after establishing myself as a person of power and authority can I take control of the place? An entirely different way of gathering allies maybe...rather than running petty errands for the "good guys" so I can call on troops from a village or whatever, can I get myself some evil armies instead through subterfuge and cloak and dagger tactics? I'll take that over running petty errands all day every day.