I'd say that when in doubt, choice + options > everything, period.
I welcome Story Mode, I welcome Tactician, I welcome being able to respec, and go crazy with multiclassing + facilitated spell progression, I welcome being able to mess the game up with mods to my liking if I want to have even more options or limitations.

And nobody's forcing anyone to do any of that. Respec, minmax, exploit mechanics, outright cheat - none of this is made available to players in such an intrusive way that it feels like something they "should" do as an integral part of the game's experience.
And for sure, nobody's stopping anyone from having a 100% cohesive experience between game systems and narrative. It's all right there, and the choice is entirely yours.

So I wish people would not get hung up about things that simply will not affect them if they choose not to let themselves be affected. Overly focusing on what other players do and thinking they're somehow playing the game "wrong" because they have fun "the wrong way" -> it's the worst kind of gatekeeping, shitting on everyone else's time + enjoyment. Agree on your own rules when doing multiplayer with like-minded people, and enjoy the game exactly the way you like.

Last edited by endolex; 28/07/23 11:43 AM.