Originally Posted by Azan
Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
Okay, let's steer this conversation in a positive direction.
What makes a romance in a game constructive to the overall experience?
When it adds to the story and depth of the characters, and the overall role-playing experience of the game with your player character. A well done video game romance is not just a "be nice so your avatar gets laid" but a deeper development of the NPC and your own player character's interactions with them, seeing how that changes and grows over the course of the game. That's personally what I find interesting about video game romances, I usually skip the actual sex scenes. I'm hopeful about the ones in BG3 because it seems like the devs understand what makes them interesting beyond 'fan service.'

Yea, I can watch amateur/professional porn if I want realistic (well, real people at least) porn, so I'm not exactly excited (oh..the puns make themselves) about the idea of full on penetration, erect ding dongs, and weirdly animated tongues. I'll probably skip them if that's what I have to look forward to.

We'll see what they do though, Larian is pushing the line for sure, but I'm not convinced that they'll go past the porn line. I assume if they show certain things, it's defines the product as adult entertainment, which would hurt their rating.