Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Anyway, he told us that two Origin Companions will have locked subclass ...
Yes, at the start of the game, if you play *as* them. You can still respec, however, and you can always respec your companions at any time. However, the game does not adjust to it story-wise. So you *can* make Minsc a Sorcerer, but he'll still talk about Hamsters and Rangers rejoicing. For that reason, I'll not spec him out of Ranger - but *will* give him ranger 5 / barbarian 5 / fighter 2

Originally Posted by Malrith
Astarion for example could be anything except maybe cleric or druid...?
Definitely. I can really see him as a nasty neckbiting necromancer.
Lae'zel I see more as the Vengeance Pally, I might do that, actually.
Shadowheart is just begging for Rogue dips, being that sneaky secret agent that she is. If she converts to Selune, I'll definitely respec her into something that fits her more. Light Cleric/ Fighter 2 or something.
Wyll is a Warlock, and I don't like speccing him out of that unless I break his pact. But. I don't like Warlocks one bit. He wants to be this hero-type however, so we'll meet in the middle. He'll take an Oath and wyll be a Lockadin ever onward.

Barbarian Gale talking about reading books and petting his cat in a tower here I come!
That won't happen in my game, but being the exposition cannon with attempted humor, I can totally see him dipped into Lore Bard.

Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.