I am not so deep. ATM I am looking at three:
- half-drow or drow Sword Dancer of Elistraee - too dumb to be a Priestess, but beefy and sturdy enough to kick ass for goodness. 1 or 2 lvl of Fighter, rest - Sword Bard. Fights with Longsword two-handed, to please the Goddess;
- savage half orc Shaman - Nature. At some point attacked by beast in woods, won the fight by clobbering the animal to death with a sausage. Since that time fights with Salami infused with Whaaagh! magic, i.e. Shillelagh
- not so savage half orc Shaman - War. Pokes'em in the eye with a spear - For Gruumsh!
Either of da Boyz might get a level or two in Fighta.
If the Halflings were not such an eyesore, I'd consider a Belkar Bitterleaf expy.
Another possible expy would be Goblin Slayer as portrayed in Goblin Slayer Abridged - deranged running gutter mouth - My name is Goblin Slayer and I slay GAWBLINS!