Originally Posted by Aurora42
Neither is wrong, and both styles create fun depending on plyers, its in the eye of the beholder... So its not that any of the play styles is wrong or right, they mix poorly with each other... it dosent really matter if a min maxer RPs, if they also min max everything, couse it ultimatly creates a gap between players, and that is to no ones foult, irs just a fact... a GM will be faced with a dilemma, that in order to challange the min maxer, it creates hurdles that might be two hard for those that dont min max, and vice versa, if the GM keeps threat at a level of all the others, you will have one player the min maxes that is essentially demi god...

But that is my take on it... some just play better together then others...
People who don't play PnP might not be familiar with the term "session zero," but that's the meeting where expectations for the game get hashed out. In my opinion, "poorly met expectations" is the second biggest killer of games (after "real-life schedule or location changes").