Originally Posted by Aurora42
im gussing we will be able to make alot of potions and elexiers through alchemy... from the glimpses we have it seem to give access to alot of really power full heal, restorative and effects... just a handy potion of speak with animals, would open up alot of dialogue

This would be a viable source, especially to get rid of conditions. HP regeneration is there enough, after all. But a potion that dispels curses, I still can not imagine that. I also still have a problem with the AOE effect of thrown potions, at least with puddles. If they were at least temporary healing vapors, or crafting was made so productive that you get multiple / stronger potions and their AOE effect is thus superfluous, so no longer present. On the other hand, if I'm petrified myself, then I can't use a potion myself, so we're back to AOE effects of potions or scrolls / spells...

Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 01/08/23 12:38 PM.