As I am preparing for the release of the acclaimed Baldur's Gate III by Larian Studios, having been playing the Early Access version since it's availability, I thought I'd create a penultimate character and replay act1 just for the fun of discovering some new spell combination or character interactions.
After all having to wait three more days for the release of the full game on August 3rd can feel long

And to my surprise, playing a druid that can speak to other animals I noticed a squirrel in the base camp that I hadn't noticed before.
I manage to walk up to him and after a perception check noticed he was wearing a ring!
After a few dialogue interaction, The squirrel turned out to be scared to upset his master, who is hoarding all the nuts in the forest by some magical means.
Intrigued I went to investigate, and started from the tree the squirrel had indicated to be "near the rock in shape a of flower".
Another perception check ended me in a cul-de-sac and a fight with a group animals who refused to talk to me and all had a ring at their paws. After having to kill them all, much to my dismay, I went back to camp to bring with me the mage who could speak with the dead and tried that on one of the dead animal.
He thanked me for "having freed him from Glorbo".
read the entire thread post on reddit, and share your findings there, we need to get this known everywhere !