if we assume that everyone watching is either a noob or a min-maxer
Irellevant ...
The point of video is to make most effective followers ...
Therefore it gives advice to make most effective followers.
If you are, or are not min-maxer dont change the fact that this is the way to achieve that ... and that is the reason he kinda need to mention it. O_o
I mean ... what is even your point?

Bcs, and i mean no offense ... well maybe a tiny bit ... but this complaining reminds me one Czech youtuber who were making review about Marvel - Avengers movie ... and he was complaining that movie dont offer any deeper thought or message, like The Shawshank Redemption, or Green Mile ...
Well, no it dont ... but its also not supposed to.

Same goes here ...
This particular guide is clearly not for you, if you feel like things said there are a bit too much ... but they are perfectly valid, and it wouldnt be complete without them. :-/