Originally Posted by nickclark89
dear, a flamboyant man is not more gay just because he is flamboyant, that is just a stereotype, is 2023... Theres no such a thing like more gay or straight, bi people are just bi people because they like both genders and bettween, no matter for what spectrum they feel more attraction. Being gay only means I like men, it doesnt have anything to do with my personality or expression.
I agree that there is no necessary connection between a man being "flamboyant" and being gay, but to say there's no such thing as "more gay" or "more straight" is to say that there's no continuum between "pure gay" (meaning that, for a man, he is strictly and only attracted to men) and "pure straight" (meaning, for a man, strictly and only attracted to women). You are essentially saying it's not OK for a man to say "I'm straight, but I'd sleep with <fill on the blank male celebrity>." The way i read your post, you'd say that man is bi-sexual, whether he wants to describe himself like that or not. To say that would not be very 2023. If that is in fact what you are saying.