Yes, a movie can be fine as a turn-your-brain-off entertainment. HOWEVER, a movie can have action, stakes, and even be made for kids and STILL have a deeper message and good writing.
I never said it cant ...
I say that if its not supposed to have "a thing", it seems weird to criticize it for lacking "a thing".

My tea have no caffeine in it ...
Does it make it bad tea?
Not at all.
Can it still be bad tea? Sure! But hardly for this reason.
A movie have no deeper thought, nor any important message in it ...
Does it make it bad movie?
Not at all.
Can it still be bad movie? Sure! But hardly for this reason.
This video is purely focused on maximising effectivity.
Does is make it bad video?
Not at all.
I hope you get the idea.

Purpose corresponds with final product ...
Say whatever you want, but in my book that is a good thing.

I saw people defending the new Mario movie to hell and back by saying "it' a movie for kids why are you expecting good qualities out of it" to which I can now respond "Nimona, a movie released earlier this year, was ALSO made for kids and it was LEAGUES better in terms of writing and theme." That's excluding all the stuff like Gargoyles, Courage the Cowardly Dog, etc.
I didnt seen either, so i cant coment on that.

Still ... one of my favourite movie is French movie called
RRRrrrr!!!. (I recomend.)
I would never say it was telling any important messages, or deeper thoughts ... and it was still awesome! xD
The idea that you can excuse poor writing and shallow themes with "it's just x" is silly.
I dont think i can agree with this sentence ...
The main core of such principle seems wrong to me.
Bcs, first of all ... its not an excuse.

Not everything needs to be super deep, educational, or sending an important message about something serious ... people should remember that is fine to just throw everything (yes, brain included ... not litteraly tho) out of window and just have fun ... if for no other reason, then bcs they simply want to.

And there are movies that gives them exactly that ... that is their purpose, and they serve it well enough.

You dont like Mario movie?
That is perfectly fine and valid.Someone else do? Also perfectly fine and valid.
Is there is anything silly, its arguing about that.

Just have higher standards for the million/billionaires.
Il be the judge of my own standards if you dont mind, thank you very much.