I mean, just from early access sometimes failing a roll results in a more entertaining development. While I enjoy playing a high CHA sorcerer with lots of social tricks to completely dominate anyone I speak to like I'm frickin' Sauron, it's not like playing someone who fumbles his words and keeps ending up in a hard scrap where things are resolved by the blade rather than the word is any less fun.
As an example. My socially inept druid had to fight the ogres, which turned out to be a very intense battle that I enjoyed a lot and rewarded me with the 17 INT headpiece item. My sneaky sorcerer convinced them to fight for him for free and got a cool ogre-summoning item that he's been abusing by repeatedly tricking them into fighting for him again. Both experiences were fun and felt rewarding.
How that work with romance though? What if I fail a dice roll for my Smoochie....
I shall go Fatality LOL
The only roll to kiss in EA was actually an Insight check, which is Wisdom based.