I had a bit of a crisis. Yesterday, I realized something was wrong with my wifi. I was only getting around 25Mbps download when I should've been getting 300Mbps. All of my other devices were getting the higher download speeds, so I figured it had to be my computer. Thing is, my computer is brand new. I just bought it a bit ago solely so that I could play BG3 on ultra settings.
Last night, I got no sleep. I crawled through the internet looking for solutions. I have no idea how many things I tried. At one point, and this lasted for at least an hour, I actually managed to lower my download speed to about 8Mbps, and I was having a really bad time with that.
But finally, something clicked. I'm not sure what. I reset Windows more than once, I was typing commands I didn't understand into the command prompt, changing things, trying to run whatever diagnostics I could, resetting the router, etc...
I finally got my download speed up to something reasonable. It's still not at 300, but I'm overjoyed that it's at least in the three digits now.
So. Wow. Yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing the full release tomorrow. And I'm tired. Very, very tired.
sweet bro, glad to hear that, it is curious, what ended up being your bottleneck? Either way good to hear.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Not in the slightest. Don't care one bit. Then again, I gave up on EA two years ago to keep it fresh. Was worried I'd get tired of it, or wouldn't like Act 1 anymore.
Super excited for the full release! This is my first post on here actually so I thought no better time than to join in with y'all to talk about my excitement
Super excited for the full release! This is my first post on here actually so I thought no better time than to join in with y'all to talk about my excitement
Welcome Tinykels, Have a great time.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Also, will anybody else feel a little sad when you delete all your EA games? Like, so long!
I didn't even have the heart to do it! I just renamed all the folders, even the game folder itself, so in theory I could still start the EA version up. Reminds me a bit of my over 5GB of old Skyrim saves I still have not deleted...
sweet bro, glad to hear that, it is curious, what ended up being your bottleneck? Either way good to hear.
Thanks, I wish I knew. I did everything I could think of and then things that only occurred to me from reading articles. In the end, I had to reset everything, basically from the ground up. I'm just glad I realized it was an issue before tomorrow.
I just deleted all my saves, felt kind of emotional 3 years gone, made me want to thank larian for everything they have done in this time
And I thought I was the only one to get emotional. But I have a large folder with game screenshots, so I'll have a keepsake of my EA characters.
I want to thank everyone at Larian, too! I enjoyed playing in early access very much - and if Larian would develop a Baldur's Gate 4, I would be happy to play in early access again (and hopefully have more time to give proper feedback then).
I think I have never been more excited to play a game. Even after thousand hours of playing in early access, it has never become boring - and tomorrow, there will be so much more to discover.
I really like this forum, and I'm looking forward to read more discussions here in the future about the final version of the game, about lore and about everything else.
A lot of us have gotten into fights and snapped at one another over the last years. I've been guilty of that, and I apologize.
Except Icelyn. I think she's been the most positive poster I've ever come across, lol. I wish her all the best in her new life with Halsin.
Looking back, I've enjoyed my time here with you folks. I've paid attention to what you had to say, and I've appreciated how many of you have been as enthusiastic about this game as I have. Good company along the road. You've all been a part of the joy I've had in playing this game. To those of you who disappear, I'll certainly miss you.
And... sigh... I don't wanna say it, but yes, even Tuco, bad tempered curmudgeon that he is. He was right about reactions, and I was wrong.
Godspeed, folks.
And p.s... Rag is still wrong about certain magic items being good just the way they are.
I’m trying not to be too hyped to play tomorrow as all I’ve heard is that steam will crash from all the people trying to download the game at once… so I very much hope to play tomorrow night, where I plan on taking HOURS just in the character generator… but I’m trying to set my expectations so that I’m not too disappointed if DLing is problematic in the first place. But I do have excellent DL speeds if the servers or whatever or running as they should…
I feel like this is the end of an era. My experience in EA more than justified the money I spent on the game 3 years ago and it was just a beginning. I agree with your feelings of gratitude to Larian. I appreciate the transparency of their development process and the way they handled this beloved franchise with respect. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. Time is ticking, but not nearly fast enough.
*Delete EA savegames,,.done *Uninstall EA version...done *Update Graphics drivers...done *Add a new Steam library on my second SSD drive...done *Take a day off from work...done *Buy food for the weekend...almost done. *Switch off my smartphone...planned for Friday morning (I'm in the Gent timezone, but I don't expect I'll be able to play before Friday morning).
Have you cleaned your mouse and keyboard? Those things get filthy. I suggest pure grain alcohol as a cleaner.
My checklist included all of that, plus
-Move from Austin, TX to Pittsburgh, PA - done -Set up new apartment with fiber internet - done -Install blackout curtains in main computer room - done -Install Acoustic Panels to dampen sound.
The time has whizzed by because I have been so busy. I am sore, hands covered in band aids, but ready...it's been a long journey.
*Delete EA savegames,,.done *Uninstall EA version...done *Update Graphics drivers...done *Add a new Steam library on my second SSD drive...done *Take a day off from work...done *Buy food for the weekend...almost done. *Switch off my smartphone...planned for Friday morning (I'm in the Gent timezone, but I don't expect I'll be able to play before Friday morning).
Have you cleaned your mouse and keyboard? Those things get filthy. I suggest pure grain alcohol as a cleaner.
My checklist included all of that, plus
-Move from Austin, TX to Pittsburgh, PA - done -Set up new apartment with fiber internet - done -Install blackout curtains in main computer room - done
*Delete EA savegames,,.done *Uninstall EA version...done *Update Graphics drivers...done *Add a new Steam library on my second SSD drive...done *Take a day off from work...done *Buy food for the weekend...almost done. *Switch off my smartphone...planned for Friday morning (I'm in the Gent timezone, but I don't expect I'll be able to play before Friday morning).
Have you cleaned your mouse and keyboard? Those things get filthy. I suggest pure grain alcohol as a cleaner.
My checklist included all of that, plus
-Move from Austin, TX to Pittsburgh, PA - done -Set up new apartment with fiber internet - done -Install blackout curtains in main computer room - done -Install Acoustic Panels to dampen sound.
The time has whizzed by because I have been so busy. I am sore, hands covered in band aids, but ready...it's been a long journey.
Congrats on the move, Love Austin as I have family there, and love the Steelers! OH and I did use my air compressor to blow out computer and keyboard today.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Except Icelyn. I think she's been the most positive poster I've ever come across, lol. I wish her all the best in her new life with Halsin.
Originally Posted by JandK
Looking back, I've enjoyed my time here with you folks. I've paid attention to what you had to say, and I've appreciated how many of you have been as enthusiastic about this game as I have. Good company along the road. You've all been a part of the joy I've had in playing this game. To those of you who disappear, I'll certainly miss you.