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If modders are exploring this post, please find some mods ideas

1) Create custom party directly at start of game -> (nothing fancy or exotic ; a question pop-up to loop back and assign a new fake player and create another character)
2) A chest on the starting beach with standard clothes/armors/common objets/ set of dyes to be able to equip your custom team like you want from the start. With several sets (if you want to play a pack of drows or gythyanki for exemple).
3) More tribal armors/weapon (dwarf armors, differents drow armors or cloths, etc) and not just a recoloration of vanilla armors
4) Survival mode (need to eat, drink, sleep to not get a debuff + crafting to collect water) ; for this one, it is a big dream galeworried
5) Be able to play a monster as character (gnoll ; minotaur (with right sized equipment); werewolf ; catfolk ) -> I will definitly love to play with a gnoll pack and the "toototoo too" shout on criticals galehearteyes
6a) I saw a mod on nexus to make the backpack visible -> waiting for final release
6b) Arybeth of Tylmarande armor from NWM.

I have no developper skills but I will be happy to help to test smile

Dans le doute, frappe ...
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Mostly visual stuff. I always play with Antemaxxes Basket full of Equipment SFW and a few hair and face options. They are all up and running again. I will do the first playthrough without mods and then install my favourites.
There is also a mod that lets you choose from all 5 e warlock invocations - I probably will use that too for my warlock run.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

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I personally just wait for a patch that makes the Mod Fixer mod obsolete.

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Originally Posted by kicker04
I personally just wait for a patch that makes the Mod Fixer mod obsolete.

Why? Full Release Mod Fixer works as intended.


I've currently got 10-12 mods on the go mostly QoL plus a reshade.

My next task will be to track down a camera mod - there's currently a few on Nexus.
Any mods which remove or circumvent Larian's homebrew and make thing more 5e would be good.

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> I'm currently waiting on mods that undo most of Larian's homebrew stuff and brings the game closer to D&D 5E. Specifically I'd love to see:

- Removal of the weapon abilities
- Shove being made an action (preferably an attack action) and have have it's range limited to 5 feet. Also a shove to prone action
- Jump should just be part of movement rather than a bonus action
- Change creature stats and HP to be closer to 5E
- Unnerf several CC spell durations, e.g. Sleep should be 10 turns rather than 2

> I'm also looking for a mod that allows me to customize the starting equipment. We had them in EA, so it shouldn't be overly difficult to recreate.
> I'd also welcome a mod to remove the "casting" vfx from all martial classes (the most pressing issue would be Rage) and any bard abilities

And a nice to have but not essential one:

> Adding a variety civilian/camp clothes and dyes to the tutorial chest or the camp chest(s)

Last edited by Kendaric; 15/08/23 10:29 AM.
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Originally Posted by Kendaric
> I'm currently waiting on mods that undo most of Larian's homebrew stuff and brings the game closer to D&D 5E. Specifically I'd love to see:

- Removal of the weapon abilities
- Shove being made an action (preferably an attack action) and have have it's range limited to 5 feet. Also a shove to prone action
- Jump should just be part of movement rather than a bonus action
- Change creature stats and HP to be closer to 5E
- Unnerf several CC spell durations, e.g. Sleep should be 10 turns rather than 2

> I'm also looking for a mod that allows me to customize the starting equipment. We had them in EA, so it shouldn't be overly difficult to recreate.
> I'd also welcome a mod to remove the "casting" vfx from all martial classes (the most pressing issue would be Rage) and any bard abilities

And a nice to have but not essential one:

> Adding a variety civilian/camp clothes and dyes to the tutorial chest or the camp chest(s)

I use the following which may be of interest:

5e Potions

5e Spells

Choose Your Stats

Feats Extra

More Feats

I don't use them but I'm pretty sure I saw a starting equipment mod on Nexus and one for removing vfx from something.

Last edited by Beechams; 15/08/23 12:34 PM.
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Originally Posted by Beechams
Why? Full Release Mod Fixer works as intended.

Because with every patch and hotfix you don't only have to check the mod but also the mod fixer...

And the more third party stuff involved the higher the general risk. As always.

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I suggest everyone who want a closer to D&D experience, and in my opinion a way better game to check out:


Striked through features were present on the EA version of the mod but still aren't implemented on the Full Release version

Level 1: Fixes Rage so it only deals damage on actual hits, from Strength-based melee weapons
Level 2: Reckless Attack
Both the Interrupt and the Spell can only be used on the first attack of the turn
Interrupt changed to no longer consider the roll before asking, so it can always activate even if the attack will hit without needing advantage. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to hide the attack roll. If you use the interrupt without the "asking" option, it will always trigger.
Attacking Recklessly allows for all attacks on the same turn to be done with advantage (but not after the turn ends, so no advantage on AoO). The enemies can still gain advantage on attacks aganinst the barbarian until the start of the barbairan's next turn
Level 3 (Path of the Berserker): Removed Throw as a bonus action
Level 3 (Path of Wild Magic): Makes all bonus actions granted by the random outcomes castable in the first round for free (next rounds it still requires a bonus action)
Level 3 (Path of the Totem Warrior): Removed all custom spells added by each Spirit Animal
Level 2 (Circle of the Land): Natural Recovery is only usable during a Short Rest
Level 2: Wild Shape dismissal costs a bonus action
Level 2: Wild Shape Giant Badger changes to attacks and movements
Level 2: Wild Shape ends with a Short Rest
Level 2 (Circle of the Land): Replaces Dire Wolf with Wolf for Circle of the Land Druids
Level 2 (Circle of the Moon): Changed stats of Dire Wolf to match Monster's Manual stats
Level 2 (Circle of the Moon): Polar Bear is replaced with Brown Bear, visual and stat wise
Level 1: Replaces Produce Flame Cantrip option with Spare The Dying
Level 1: Hunter's Mark counts as a separate damage entry and can critically strike
Level 1: Sneak Attack
Fixes Sneak Attack Interrupt being possible to apply the damage on AoE effects (such as the explosion of a Fire Arrow). Only the main target will be prompted - the side effect is AoEs that roll for attack rolls on each target, such as a Cleave, will only allow you to deal sneak attack damage to the first one
Removes check for killing blow on Sneak Attack Interrupt. You'll still be able to see the character died, but you can opt into deal your sneak attack regardless (honor system) or if you're not asking to be prompted by the interrupt, it will consume regardless if the base damage killed the target
Spells no longer consume the Sneak Attack Charge if it missed (thus allowing for retries on other attacks on the same turn, specially offhand attacks)
Level 2: Cunning Action transformed into a Spell Container
Level 3 (Thief): Fast Hands no longer provides an extra Bonus Action - instead, it gives Help, Distract and Throw (no damage) as possible Cunning Actions (bonus action)
Level 3 (Thief): Second-Story Work now replaces Jump for a Dexterity-based version
Level 1: Arcane Recovery is only usable during a Short Rest
Level 1 (Abjuration School): Arcane Ward subsequent abjuration casts after the first of the day provides the correct 2*Spell Level THP


Shove is an action (from bonus action). It's a spell container with the option to push (fixed 1.5 m) or knock prone
Introduces Distract and Dodge as actions to player characters and summons (see Find Familiar)
Removes Bonus Action Cost from Jump and the Movement Cost is the same as the distance travelled
Throw and Improvised Weapon can no longer be used on enemies that are alive, and can't throw equipped items either. Throwing a weapon from inventory counts as an improvised weapon (1d4 bludgeoning damage)
Thrown Weapons now provide specific spells that correctly calculate Range, Attack Roll, and Damage Roll, while also allowing for Two-Weapon Fighting (and correctly applying Sneak Attack). The range shown is the long range, but it will show the Disadvantage UI if you're attacking outside the short range
PS.:This still wasn't done properly for magical weapons that are throwable
Help stabilises the target (Medicine DC 10), and the stabilised character is healed once out of combat. If the character is stabilised own their own by succeeding the Death Saving Throws, they will still require a Help Action (and the Medicine Check) or a cast of Spare The Dying to regain 1 HP.


Shield Master: Gives Shove (both options) as a bonus action after attacking on your turn


Find Familiar
Base summons (not the ones granted by Pact of the Chain) had all their attacks replaced by the Distract Action (kept their attack animations because they're cool, though)
Removed all separate actions they had, except the Cat's Meow, because it has no combat functionality
Raven now has the Flyby passive, so it doesn't receive AoOs - Since Owl isn't an option in Vanilla, I decided to make Raven the go-to pick for Arcane Tricksters

Flaming Sphere is indesctrutible and ignored by enemies. It can only act if the caster uses their bonus action to command it to.

Shield: fixes the tooltip so it states the bonus AC lasts for only 1 turn

Sleep lasts for 10 turns instead of 2 and it's a circular area, which the targets are selected based on HP on increasing order

Spare the Dying introduced as a new cantrip for Clerics. Stabilises the target (no check required), and the stabilized character is healed once out of combat. If the character is stabilised own their own by succeeding the Death Saving Throws, they will still require a Help Action (and the Medicine Check) or a cast of Spare The Dying to regain 1 HP.

Spiritual Weapon is indesctrutible and ignored by enemies. It can only act if the caster uses their bonus action to command it to (except on the turn it is cast). Also removed all special attacks

Produce Flame is a spell container, with instant attacking as an option (but it seems a bit buggy how the spell container is organizing it)

Removes surface interaction for spells that are not AoE. They can still interact with surfaces, but must target the ground directly, instead of interacting when targeting a character on top of the surface
List of Spells with surface interaction changed

Chromatic Orb deals 3d8 for all damage types, without surface creation

Entangle applies the Restrained condition upon casting (and gives a temporary spell for removal attempts). The vine surfaces are only considered difficult terrain and no longer entangle characters walking on it

False Life provides 1d4+4 THP instead of 7 THP (plus 5 per spell slot above first)

Goodberry provides 10 berries, each healing 1 HP

Searing Smite is a Shout/Concentration spell that requires concentration to both the initial hit application and the damage per turn effect

Spells and effects that should have a duration of 10 minutes or 1 hour but were lasting until a Long Rest had their durations adjusted and end with a Short Rest. Spells that last 8 hours or more still last until a Long Rest
List of Spells with durations changed

Short Rests & Hit Dice

Short Rest puts the characters in a standby mode and provides them with 1 new spell
End Short Rest: Ends the Short Rest standby mode
Regain Hit Points: spend 1 Hit Die to recover its value plus the character's Constitution Modifier
Some abilities are only available while short resting:
Wizard's Arcane Recovery
Druid's Natural Recovery (Circle of the Land)
Short Rest is considered an hour long downtime period, thus ending effects that last up to 1 hour
Long Rest recharges half the character's level worth of Hit Dice (rounded up)

Global changes

Removes weapon abilities (like Cleave, Smash and Pin Down) for default weapons (not on magic weapons yet)
Removes the disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws when Prone, and adds the Disadvantage to Ranged Attack Rolls
Gives a Walk passive to players that allows them to toggle between walking and running for cinematic and roleplay purposes (as requested by fmarzullo)
Nerfs Fire dipped (also Torch) and Poison coating damage to 1 static damage (from 1d4)
Removes surface creation on most benefitial potions (like healing and resistance potions) - you can't heal people by throwing potions at their feet!
Adds Heavy Armor to various locations and traders

Two-Weapon Fighting

Removes the automatic offhand bonus attack option when Dual Wielding (This removes Dual Wielding AoO as well)
The Offhand Attack is only available after attacking with the main hand weapon while Dual Wielding (or when outside of Combat)

Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 15/08/23 12:17 PM.

It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
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Originally Posted by kicker04
Originally Posted by Beechams
Why? Full Release Mod Fixer works as intended.

Because with every patch and hotfix you don't only have to check the mod but also the mod fixer...

And the more third party stuff involved the higher the general risk. As always.

That is the fault of the game requiring hotfixes not the fault of the mod. And we can also add that it is down to Larian not yet releasing any kind of editor.

1. I'm still on Hotfix #1 as I never let anything do anything automatically on my machine. If and when Larian finally get their act together and put out a hotfix or patch that doesn't destroy the game and the saves then I will consider updating.

Updating my 10-12 mods to the full release versions took minutes. I track the mods on Nexus so I know when they are updated. I then read the mod description to see if I actually need to update the mod. As I've said in another post, modding games requires reading and thinking. If you aren't prepared to do that then modding isn't for you.

2. Larian's hotfixes and Steam seem to be more of a problem than mods. Although I only have the 10-12 mods installed I have tried out maybe three or four times that number. None of the mods or the chopping and changing of mods has broken my game so far.

I had a Skyrim LE with 250-300 mods installed which was more stable and bug-free than the vanilla game.

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Bard of Suzail
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Mods I want to see:

1) Allow Character Creation with ide rolls

2) Put back the Racial bonus from 5E

3) Put back God selection for all character types

4) Full Custom party start for solo play

5) Increase party size to 5 or 6 (Solo and coop)

I would like to see a more robust character creator as far as body and face but I'm not sure how much modding can do. Rather than more choices I would just like slider tweaking options.

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Originally Posted by Zentu
Mods I want to see:

2) Put back the Racial bonus from 5E

3) Put back God selection for all character types

The racial bonus from 5E PHB exists as a mod:

You can select a deity for your character with this: (it also adds a lot of NPC assets to various races in the CC)

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More unique spells and features for the subclasses would be nice, they all kind of the same right now

Last edited by Seventrussel; 15/08/23 09:49 PM.
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Before modding, I'll wait at least for the big 1st patch and some fixes that will follow.
Don't want to risk breaking the whole thing because the files keep changing.

- Firm believer in Mindflayer supremacy -
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Originally Posted by Zentu
Mods I want to see:
4) Full Custom party start for solo play
5) Increase party size to 5 or 6 (Solo and coop)

These two are on top of my list.

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1.) possibilty to create a custom party from scratch (SP) including character import- / export function

2.) increased party size to at least five customs

3.) Artificier (Artillerist & Battle Smith) class

4.) playable Gobbo

5.) all the missing utility cantrips such as Prestidigitation, Mold Earth, Shape Water, Druidcraft, Mending, Gust etc. pp.

6.) complete disabling of dice rolling for dialogues = instead selection of answers (including possible multiple results) that would maximize dialogue speed, increase may rp and decrease save-scumming (at least for me) wyllhappy

Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 17/08/23 04:50 AM.
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I only have 1: Completely customizable companions, that behave like real people and not "vessels" and that can be hired at taverns or places like that.

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* Longer reach for picking things up - stop climbing barrels & rafters to grab that one silver plate on top of the crate.

* No 'Natural' dice rolls - remove critical miss/hit system.

* Character appearance save feature (or, respec includes race/appearance changes as well as class).

* All traps & non-quest related locks removed (or, 100% success lockpick/disarm) - no need for a sleight-of-hand toon.

* Voicepak mods - fan voiced lines for the player character, NPC lines in different accents.

* Map click-to-move.

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- An odd one, but I'd like a mod that removes the dice-roll window from opening locks/disarming traps. It's totally fine for me when it's dialogue choices and such, there's 1 roll and it matters, but when I have 6 traps to disarm and 3 chests to open, that gets kinda annoying laugh

- Allow me to change my character looks/sound midgame!

- Difficulty-increasing mod, that does it in a smart way (no damage sponges)

- More custom soundsets, I had to mute selection sounds entirely (which sucks, I did like the companion combat/movement chatter), because the available soundset was ruining my char immersion, haha

- Different font in in-game books, this one's *unimmersive*

- Something that adds fun items together with the increased difficulty, so that it feels rewarding to find upgrades, and with the upgrades being *clear* winners compared to my old junk smile

- Could be impossible, but maaaaybe not given the AI developments (VASynth in Skyrim being a funny example of it in action!) - I'd love to see more player-initiated banters with companions. I mean small, repeatable things, such as, idk, "Give Karlach a hug" with a couple of outcomes game would choose at random, or "What's one of your favorite spells?" to ask Gale with a few fun answers, or "Try to pickpocket Astarion" etc etc. With additional options appearing depending on friendship/romance status with the NPC. These may seem small and repeatable, but in a long game, they go a *long* way in keeping the NPCs feeling alive, and that's also without risking it popping up at wrong times - player can engage whenever they feel a moment's too quiet smile

- Let me drag that Myshka cat to my camp, dammit! And while at camp and animals, perhaps throwing a ball at Scratch should not make everyone go hostile and attempt to gut me wink But that's not for a mod, more like a fix, ha.

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- Divine Soul Sorcerer & Celestial Warlock

- Human Variant

- Mage Hand better ability to interact with objects ie. push buttons, etc., for Arcane Trickster's to Disable Traps or Open Locks

- Better polyamory; no/less interpersonal romance conflicts

- Give Half-Drow Superior Darkness or a middle-ground between the two. Removing racial spells is fine for it. Also give Half-Drow a chance to pass as Drow in more dialogues.

- Half-elf variant; as core Half-elf

Last edited by AshesOnWool; 17/08/23 09:35 PM.
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BG3 restoration project because the cut content sounds so much vetter than what we got.

And also Fizban Dragonborn.

Last edited by Ixal; 18/08/23 07:16 AM.
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My most desired mod currently is some “formation control” so that having more than 4 characters wouldn’t look like you are grazing poorly disciplined sheep.

In particular I'd want for characters to stick a lot closer to each other during normal environmental navigation, rather than running around like headless chicken.

Last edited by Tuco; 18/08/23 04:53 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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I would like to see a mod that makes quests give you all the rewards instead of having you choose only one, or at least places them in the quest NPC inventory.
Having items materialize out of thin air only if you perform a certain sequence of events and providing no alternative means of stumbling upon those items is extremely immersion breaking and offputting.
Why do I have to pick between a ring and chest armor after returning the Boots of Speed? Why can't I get the other item anyway after turning against the duergar?
Same thing about councilor Florick reward at burning inn. For a game that enables respeccing and build flexibility, it baffles me that we have such gamey mechanics like "choose quest reward" where the items you don't pick get removed from the game.

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I'd like a mod for gender. Through I'm sure it will not be allowed on the Nexus.

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1. Recruit Minthara after siding with grove
2. NPC companions, I'm not going to guess what I'll like because I want to be surprised yknow, they were the best mods of BG2 and yeah the technical requirements make them way harder but they don't *have* to be voiced?
3. More spells, cantrips, etc. Where's create water?
4. Unfinished Business
5. More options for tags, halfdrow should get to choose if they get baldran or drow heritage tags, giving nonclerics god tags, etc?
6. Viconia companion mod? I mean she's already in the game. Why not? idk this one is random because I needed a 6th

Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove!
Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak
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Originally Posted by Starshine
3. More spells, cantrips, etc. Where's create water?
After reading this post I just had to launch the game and go to read Shadowheart spell list again, just to double-check if I imagined the spell for the past three years of EA...
Nope, still there.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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Full respec hireling ffs.

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Agreed. The ability to change race/sex of hirelings is needed.

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If the Hirelings are undead people killed in the war with the absolute them um, what about a mod where you'd make mini-bosses into hirelings? they have voices and battle dialogue and etc so maybe everything is there the hireling needs?

Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Starshine
3. More spells, cantrips, etc. Where's create water?
After reading this post I just had to launch the game and go to read Shadowheart spell list again, just to double-check if I imagined the spell for the past three years of EA...
Nope, still there.
Oh nice, I looked for it in wizard !

Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove!
Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak
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Originally Posted by Starshine
1. Recruit Minthara after siding with grove

1. I'm with you here. That, and for the alternative:
allow the Tiefling blacksmith to survive after siding with Minthara. Aaaand maybe one to stop certain party members from leaving even if you offend them.

2. Also, one to add the option (needs to be completely optional,) to choose a God on any class, not just cleric, as well as more dialogue options for all deities. Could maybe be tied to Magic Initiate: Cleric, as a feat? Idk.

3. I would also love to see a Variant Human mod that gives humans a free feat at level 1, or allow them their traditional +1 to all ability scores as an option.

4. One which includes Pikes and Tridents as polearms affected by the Polearm Master feat. Idk why Larian excluded these polearms from counting as polearms. . .

5. I really hope Larian eventually does this themselves, but as for a robust mod I'd really love to see: the entire Artificer class and its three subclasses fully implemented.

Last edited by SkeeSilentT; 20/08/23 06:50 PM.
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main mods i'm waiting for that i think will come eventually:
smooth skin mod for Tieflings (so you can have horns, nails and a tail without the weird bumpy skin!
more druid forms! (dragon?! :D)
new half races! (half tieflings like Doric from the D&D movie?)

and a mod i'd like which don't expect to see is a mod that gives us a spell to transform NPCs into player (complete with the players current armour)
mostly for making cinematics, so most people wouldn't be interested in it, i don't think it will ever happen :P
we have mods to turn NPCs into different NPCs and turn the player into NPCs, but no mod to make NPCs look like the player!

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Mod to return to Act 1 camp area.
As in act 2, the access to Act 1 is closed for weirdo reasons

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rolls for stats
more back grounds
Human Variant
Infestation Cantrip
Ambush during long rest or short rest

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Originally Posted by BlueGuy
I'd like a mod for gender. Through I'm sure it will not be allowed on the Nexus.
Not sure what you mean by this? You can already be He/She/Them with any desired combination of bodytype allowed by race and then any genitalia?

A specifically hermaphrodite gender?

For me, I want a bit more open open polyamorous route that isn't 100% locked out if you romance one particular partner. Open relationships, dang it.

I can't really see Shadowheart and Lae'zel being that hung up on it.

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Sell Icon in inventory, just drag anything that is sell-able over top it and it sells while in the field. Really cleans up the inventory and management. DOS's have this and it is glorious.

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A Wereraven, since those are already a thing in the Forgotten Realms lore where BG3 is set, and there's never enough love for bird-folk in any game. We only ever get furries and scalies. But since Larian never even gave us basic werewolves as a playable option despite their insane popularity, fat chance they'll give us bird people.

[Linked Image from]

Playable harpies would be pretty cool too.

Last edited by Cawckiest King; 01/09/23 02:16 AM.
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Playable aaracokra with variants would be nice, but the flying we have isn't really proper flying.

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Some sort of party selection screen so you don't have to recruit or dismiss each companion individually.

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1. Visible weapons on camp clothes (I know i can press "U") but realy like to see them on my back wink
2. Muliclass stats requairments like in 5e

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Originally Posted by Piff
Playable aaracokra with variants would be nice, but the flying we have isn't really proper flying.
I wonder if it could be fudged around with a check that if you have flight, you can hover after being shoved into a chasm and move back to pathable ground on your next action?

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Additional mods I see now after dozen of hours of play.

7) Possibility to prevent new objects found to go directly into the quick access bar Native function unseen
8) In merchant UI, set by default the cursor for multiple items to all.

Last edited by Starblaireau; 03/09/23 11:21 AM. Reason: new information

Dans le doute, frappe ...
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Originally Posted by Starblaireau
Additional mods I see now after dozen of hours of play.

7) Possibility to prevent new objects found to go directly into the quick access bar

That is in the options under game play(?). There are several tick boxes for whether, potions, spells, etc go directly to the hotbar. Having said that I've just noticed lots of items in my hotbar that I would not put there. Maybe Patch 1 or 2 broke it ( I haven't played over the last week or so).

Last edited by Beechams; 02/09/23 03:29 PM.
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UI and font size mod. That is the one i need.

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Originally Posted by Beechams
This is in the options under game play(?).

It was on Interface but thanks you very much smile
I missed this setting and it was so terrible to play with these options enabled...

Last edited by Starblaireau; 03/09/23 07:54 AM. Reason: typo issues

Dans le doute, frappe ...
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Originally Posted by Macca
UI and font size mod. That is the one i need.

Navigating into the Option Menu / Tab Interface, I saw there is an option to change the size of the font. Not sure it was present before.

Dans le doute, frappe ...
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I only need one thing and nothing else: ability to swap characters after some interaction already started. Its pretty crucial cos i chose to play charismatic druid as a party leader but when im in a wild shape all surprise interactions yiff to someone from my party but never for me. Its such an raging and immersive breaking expirience to reload game on EVERY DAMN SINGLE INTERACTION then give up on my cat form along with wild shape charge and walk again into those trigger area with my main character ahead. Becouse of this i give up on my current playthroug to stop hurting myself and will wait for such mod to appear.

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A mod that allows me to get a Noble Stalk mushroom since I apparently blew up the only one in existence.

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One that allows for ranger animal companions to run with no helmet.
One that rescales the weapons into a little normal proportions.
One that adds more aged faces for humans and gnomes for our grizzled wizard runs.

Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.
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Originally Posted by Naked Druid
I only need one thing and nothing else: ability to swap characters after some interaction already started. Its pretty crucial cos i chose to play charismatic druid as a party leader but when im in a wild shape all surprise interactions yiff to someone from my party but never for me. Its such an raging and immersive breaking expirience to reload game on EVERY DAMN SINGLE INTERACTION then give up on my cat form along with wild shape charge and walk again into those trigger area with my main character ahead. Becouse of this i give up on my current playthroug to stop hurting myself and will wait for such mod to appear.
Weird, I get popped out of wildshape for the conversation at times, then pop back? But not consistently. It's weird.

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Honestly, I'd just like a mod that lets me use throwing weapons in my ranged weapon slot so they aren't considerably more awkward to use than any other ranged option. Would also avoid the issue of the returning pike forcefully replacing your melee weapon every time you throw it.
Also, I'd love a mod that adds a few more Returning throwing weapons- right now I believe there are 3 total in the game. I just want to be able to use thrown weapons without micromanaging a pile of 20 non-stacking javelins, really.

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Oh. yes, please.

Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.
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For me the number one mod would be the one that disables the Shadow Curse mechanic so I can enjoy the map, and story without that mechanic ruining the game for me.

Joined: Sep 2019
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1) Free camera (moving up and down, seriously wtf Larian?)
2) Complete overhaul of the gameplay so that it's basically D:OS3. Away with 5e, bring back D:OS2 free skill choice.
3) Crafting, just like in D:OS2
4) Difficulty increase mods for Tactician
5) Moar subclasses (and maybe races)
6) Moar spells (where my Find Traps at?)

Honorable mention: Combat Formation, so that I can play a wizard and not be in the frontline every combat start smile

Last edited by Raz415; 07/09/23 06:06 PM.
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I would like to add a simple one that removes the forced character lighting. That is to say, I want *only* true light sources to affect my character.

Originally Posted by Nightlistic
For me the number one mod would be the one that disables the Shadow Curse mechanic so I can enjoy the map, and story without that mechanic ruining the game for me.
Enter the map from the Monastary area. Attack the Absolute's forces' camp, play the Spider's Lyre you found on Minthara, Kill the Drider. Take his lamp, release the Pixie. You can now explore the entire map no worries. No following caravans, no filthy Selunite witchcraft, just soem tinkerbell shenanigans will set you free for the rest of the map. Easy peasy. I find it *fun* to light up the braziers and work with torches for a bit, that is *part* of the story, but for quickly doing it, that is the way, takes about ten minutes.

Originally Posted by Raz415
1) Free camera (moving up and down, seriously wtf Larian?)
Agreed. Luckily, that was one of the first one on the Nexus. 'Native Camera Tweaks' it's called. It takes a bit of manual installing, and updating every patch but it is *glorious*

Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.
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Originally Posted by Zinjigee
* Longer reach for picking things up - stop climbing barrels & rafters to grab that one silver plate on top of the crate.

This one should be sooo easy to do. Having 1 point in Telekinesis in D:OS2 was basically mandatory to avoid the headache of picking up hard to reach items and it looks like picking up items in BG3 works exactly like it does in D:OS2, except we don't have access to Telekinesis smile

PS: Thanks for the camera mod tip Rodeo, I'll wait until the next major patch before I consider modding the game smile Ideally I'd wait until full mod support is released by Larian (and get into modding myself), but I doubt I'll have the patience laugh

Last edited by Raz415; 07/09/23 07:46 PM.
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I just want a Holy Avenger. Other DMG magic items would be nice too.

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I would like a mod that gives all the junk items some utility.

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1: Non buggy Racial ability bonuses from PHB.
2: Deities for Paladins (again non buggy)

The two above should have been default in game.

3: I would also love a mod that makes it possible to walk around with 5 companions (with full reactivity from all of them), But whenever Combat starts you only fight with party of 4 (2 others are frozen out, cant act and cant be targeted).

4: Boots as clothing
5: Mod that makes it possible to change The look of armour (to something else in inventory for example).

"They say he who smelt it dealt it."
Sooo technically... this burnt corpse is your fault officer."

Joined: Dec 2017
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1. Inventory improvements
2. Inventory improvements
3. "Good morning"-bot
4. "Drink potion of speak with animals when you encounter one"
5. More face options / all face options for all non-freak races
6. Shop for outfits in act 1 and 2

Bonus points:

7. Optional deity for ALL classes (Eilistraee <3 <3 <3)
Sexy halo and angel wings for Shadowheart when she goes Selûne
9. Hats and boots as clothing, PLEASE

Last edited by Firesong; 11/09/23 09:26 PM.


Petition to save Karlach:
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1) improved inventory management cross all party members (incl camped ones)
2) Automated actions after long rest (autobuffing/spellcasting/summoning), define what you usually cast on whom after long rest and before heading out and make that a one-button-click.

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Bard of Suzail
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Looking back at my initial post here...

Originally Posted by Zentu
1) Allow Character Creation with die rolls

Still nothing, hope someone figures out how to add this soon....

Originally Posted by Zentu
2) Put back the Racial bonus from 5E

The mod is here and works well...

Originally Posted by Zentu
3) Put back God selection for all character types

The mod below is for everyone, there is also a mod just to add it to Paladins

Originally Posted by Zentu
4) Full Custom party start for solo play

Still nothing on this. There are a few workarounds. The one I used is for my buddies to join my new game, make the exact character I ask for and then I am set. I just did this using my Wife's account to make a companion for my Paladin.

Originally Posted by Zentu
5) Increase party size to 5 or 6 (Solo and coop)

There is a mod for this but be careful using this. The increase party size can really break the game balance.


Some other mods I did not know I wanted until we had them:

Additional Backgrounds, gives you more ways to make that character you envision. Not a big deal but a nice addition?

True Initiative fixes something I did not know was broke.

The final one I want to mention has a few options. I have seen people using AI to alter the voice files. I saw one where Astarion, was modified to make his voice female and then use other mods to make him female, very cool. The one however I really like is where they make a voice that has a deeper gruff to it, making it better for Dwarves.

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Originally Posted by Zentu
4) Full Custom party start for solo play

Still nothing on this. There are a few workarounds. The one I used is for my buddies to join my new game, make the exact character I ask for and then I am set. I just did this using my Wife's account to make a companion for my Paladin.

Originally Posted by Zentu
5) Increase party size to 5 or 6 (Solo and coop)

There is a mod for this but be careful using this. The increase party size can really break the game balance.


I use this mod rather than Increase Party Size.
Recruit any NPC - Transform NPC Into Playable Character - Make Full Custom Character Party - No party limit - Resurrect Dead

I am running a party of six currently. My two extras are Bryanna (the sister of the True Soul killed by the owlbear) and Cyrel (the merchant dodgy paladin in the Tollhouse). Made Bryanna a ranger and Cyrel a wizard. We are currently in Act 2 (the Last Light).
Can't swear on it but I think this mod may make a full custom party doable.

I don't feel there is a noticeable game balance problem as I use several mods which make things 5e/RAW (playing on normal).

This is a nice little mod:
Cleric Subclasses - Release
I respecced Shadowheart to Twilight Domain mostly for RPing reasons - Twilight seemed a better fit for Shar than Trickery.

I also use the more backgrounds mod.

I use 20-24 mods and it's nice to see them all working well and they are getting updated on a regular basis. Touch wood, I've not had any problems with hotfixes and patches so far. I did break my first game with a mod but that was entirely my fault.

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The recruit any NPC mod makes me smile! Least the Mods were listening hehe

I'm looking foreward to a comprehensive pack animals mod.

I think at least some of the random items we come across could be used for this. I want to see a black goat, creepy like the one from the VVitch, who eats all the rotten supplies. I think it would be funny if he 'multiplied' over time, Irongut mode lol. Maybe our donkey needs rope sometimes? For some of the other stuff like plates and spoons etc we should probably run into someone who's whole dream is to open a restaurant in Baldur's Gate with flatware from the far realms? Hehe. Something like that, all integrated with the many bags mods and inventory UI overhaul mods. That'd be cool!

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Originally Posted by Beechams
I use this mod rather than Increase Party Size.
Recruit any NPC - Transform NPC Into Playable Character - Make Full Custom Character Party - No party limit - Resurrect Dead

I am running a party of six currently. My two extras are Bryanna (the sister of the True Soul killed by the owlbear) and Cyrel (the merchant dodgy paladin in the Tollhouse). Made Bryanna a ranger and Cyrel a wizard. We are currently in Act 2 (the Last Light).
Can't swear on it but I think this mod may make a full custom party doable.

I don't feel there is a noticeable game balance problem as I use several mods which make things 5e/RAW (playing on normal).

Thanks for the tip, will look at this mod. Can you give a list of the mods you use for making the game more 5E RAW?

Right now my biggest complaint with modding is with multiplayer. I do not want mods for the multiplayer game we are running. I have seen a few work arounds but would love a single, comprehensive modding tool that had an easy option of enable or disable all mods for quick choosing of how you want to play.

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5e Potions

5e Spells

Feats Extra FullGameReady

Zerd's Rules As Written (RAW)

There was another feats mod but the author took it down so I removed it.

In addition to the Cleric mod in my previous post:

Bard Fixes and Tweaks

Sorcerer Progression as in PHB

I use this but I've not got anywhere near level 12 yet so I don't know how it will go at the higher levels. There's also a patch for it to work with the 5e Spells mod.
UnlockLevelCurve - Level 13-20

The rest of my mods are mostly QoL plus a couple of cosmetic.

I don't play multiplayer so I can't offer any help there.

Duh! Just realised that Recruit Any NPC actually states "Make Full Custom Character Party" in the title.

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A mod that turns the little goblin dude you get for Dark Urge into a camp follower, who sells vendor items that you miss out if you go full ham on being evil Durge would be awesome.

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Found an interesting mod that makes Astarion's voice female. Would love to see a simple mod to change gender of the various companions with voice change. Would also love to see a proper voice done for players to use with Orcs and Dwarves

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Recruit any NPC - Transform NPC Into Playable Character - Make Full Custom Character Party - No party limit - Resurrect Dead

This mod is amazing! So much fun to play around with! It also shows just how easy it would have been for Larian to add an option to create custom companions, yet they, for some strange reason, chose not to. This mod saved my day! Now we will see what Larian has to offer us tomorrow for Patch 3.

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#1 new mod after tomorrow will be "can modify anyone and their body type at the mirror!"

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Mod 1) Remove shared stash, so I can play the game again.
Mod 2) Allow me access to EVERY CREW MEMBER while in camp, seeing their inventory and comparing gear and managing stuff of EVERYONE, not only the 4 in party, without the need of constant leave/join

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Joined: Dec 2020
I want more faces for halflings, gnomes and dwarves. I like their faces well enough, but sometimes, I just want to look different from all the NPCs. And you mostly see elf, half elf, human and tiefling face mods.
And some more interesting clothing mods for the small races, I hate it, when you find a nice outfit on Nexus, that would look smashing on your gnome rogue, just to be only for the standard races. Thanks to Antemaxx with their Basket, who make a lot of the cooler looking armor like the city watch armor, Isobel's outfit, death Knight outfit... available for us shorties.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Originally Posted by fylimar
I want more faces for halflings, gnomes and dwarves. I like their faces well enough, but sometimes, I just want to look different from all the NPCs. And you mostly see elf, half elf, human and tiefling face mods.
And some more interesting clothing mods for the small races, I hate it, when you find a nice outfit on Nexus, that would look smashing on your gnome rogue, just to be only for the standard races. Thanks to Antemaxx with their Basket, who make a lot of the cooler looking armor like the city watch armor, Isobel's outfit, death Knight outfit... available for us shorties.
What I'd really like is some sliders for the face and body height and widths. Then the ability to change my eyebrows and I'd literally be set.

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Originally Posted by voltage
Mod 1) Remove shared stash, so I can play the game again.

Try this, could help a bit:



Last edited by Rappeldrache; 27/09/23 11:48 AM.
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Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by Zentu
4) Full Custom party start for solo play

Still nothing on this. There are a few workarounds. The one I used is for my buddies to join my new game, make the exact character I ask for and then I am set. I just did this using my Wife's account to make a companion for my Paladin.

As long as your comp can handle it, mine gets a bit of lag but still works fine, just open 2,3 or 4 instances in windowed mode and connect in LAN, once they are all in the nautiloid do a save and log out all but the lobby creator, full custom party done.

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Bard of Suzail
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Originally Posted by Micko71
Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by Zentu
4) Full Custom party start for solo play

Still nothing on this. There are a few workarounds. The one I used is for my buddies to join my new game, make the exact character I ask for and then I am set. I just did this using my Wife's account to make a companion for my Paladin.

As long as your comp can handle it, mine gets a bit of lag but still works fine, just open 2,3 or 4 instances in windowed mode and connect in LAN, once they are all in the nautiloid do a save and log out all but the lobby creator, full custom party done.

This works but there should be no need for a work around, this should have been included from day one.

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Now I am waiting for this mod to be updated to work with patch 3 cry cry cry cry cry

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Joined: Dec 2014
The things I'd like to see aren't really moddable probably but maybe Larian will add them later:

Roll for stats at character creation. Point Buy is fine but rolling is a nice option. I've used a CE table to increase stats, but if you want to respec it is undone and has to be done over again

Optional toggle for no crit fail/success on skill checks. There are some mods recently that makes the base a roll a 2 but still allows crit successes. I know there's that one 99 check but I didn't see a difference failing or succeeding it.

Scaling above level 12. There's a mod to provide some of the features past 12 that works well but it doesn't increase proficiency bonus past 4 or sneak attack dice over 6d6. Maybe when the modding tools come out these limitations can be overcome.

Sortable spell bar. Man, I just want my spells to be ordered by level without having to spend a lot of time doing it manually or unpreparing/repreparing the spells in a specific order.

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Originally Posted by chriseggroll
Optional toggle for no crit fail/success on skill checks. There are some mods recently that makes the base a roll a 2 but still allows crit successes. I know there's that one 99 check but I didn't see a difference failing or succeeding it.

I personally like the cri fail/success system. No matter how skilled or knowledgeable there is aways the chance of an "expert" being wrong. Either a small knowledge gap, distracted or any of a thousand other reasons. No matter how skilled there is no such thing as never failing. By the same token even a broken clock is right twice a day. There is always the chance, by pure luck that the village idiot can stumble across a right answer that has baffled much more educated people.

Last edited by Zentu; 29/09/23 05:33 PM.
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Joined: Sep 2023
I'm waiting for (just my personal taste(!!!):

- I'm waiting for new female faces-mods that are close to the beauty of male faces-mods in BG3 right now. Most of the female faces in BG3 look horrible artificial (sometimes with "injected lips" or with no lips at all). With really thick eyebrows and stuff like this. frown
I think most people still use vemperen face-mod (redone), witch is really old, cause there is not other (better) alternative. Or you have again and again shadowhearts face-remakes. If I look to the gorgeous male face-mods I become jealous. And there are even a lot of them.
If you want to make a female close to the "general beauty standard" you must be careful or you get a lot critics. Or the people say that they don't want to make something "like this", it MUST LOOK REAL or it hurts females and stuff like this. But this does NOT affect the male faces and mods somehow. It is a bit unfair, I think.
Still just my personal taste.

- Hair mods for my aristocratic & fighter - girl: I play a fighter and I have some problems with the most hair mods right now. I want something that leave my face / head "free". And I want to have ponytails with physics. I know there are from the game itself ... but I would love something "new". Also most of the hair mods like it a bit tousled / scrubby ... my character will be aristocratic so I don't like this "ruffled look" for her with hair falling "wild" into her eyes and face ...

Last edited by Rappeldrache; 07/10/23 11:52 AM.
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How about fixing Halsin's dialogue so he's not a jerk?

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Originally Posted by Liarie
How about fixing Halsin's dialogue so he's not a jerk?

I am not so sure modding can easily change dialog since it is also often tied to an outcome of choice.

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Originally Posted by Zentu
Originally Posted by Liarie
How about fixing Halsin's dialogue so he's not a jerk?

I am not so sure modding can easily change dialog since it is also often tied to an outcome of choice.

I have hope that some talented modder will eventually figure it out. I am continually amazed by what they've been able to do so far.

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Mods I want:

1 Toggle camp clothes pants/skirt/dress options: almost all clothes in the game are pant combinations. I know there are mods for new clothing sets, i just want the current clothes in skirt/dress forms.
2 Toggle bra on off for underwear sets, or gender design of underwear/clothes/armor. If Shadowheart puts on my male characters undies, where did the bra come from?
3 Roll for stats

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1) Hirelings Expanded removing allowing you to recruit a full roster of hirelings instead of just 3 and having to dismiss them.
2) Dror Ragslin, Neer and Kagha recruitable as companions (Evil Expanded) They need 1 more to replace minsc as well but those seem more viable.
3) Items expanded More net equipment but I would personally like to see more use of the Gith Longsword Design a black version would be cool or a dyeable version. Black/Gold/White and the gemstone color. Net more racial perk gear for all races, boots, necklaces rings and cloaks, Barbarian and monk cloth armor options, More class designed gear in general. Different heavy armor sets like dame aylins and more black guard/drow/gith boot varients.
4) More Feats from various books.
5) Stat rolling, Better hirling changes Sex/Race should be changable. 2 Female Dwarves no Dragonborne, for example being annoying the only way to get a dragonborne character is as a player character.
6) Camp Modifications / Body Sliders for character creation. A Weapon Rack and Armor Vault.
7) Rollable Ablity Score option 4d6 drop the lowest method.
8) More Animal Companions and Wild Shape Options
9) Spell Crafting for Spell Elements.
10) More Controllable Undead Options.
11) Full Vampire vs Vampire ascendant option as well as option to make a character into a werewolf or wear beast expanded on.

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Joined: Sep 2023
I don't know if already exists but what I really would love is a mod make the game a bit harder...

As soon as you reach level 4-5 you become too powerful in my opinion. I'm currently playing in a 3 people team and the game is way too easy.

I know there are a couple of mod that try to make the game harder, but the ones that work for me (I play on Steam Deck and not all modders let instructions to manually install them) don't convince me.

Any recommendations?

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Joined: Oct 2023
1) adventure creation mod. A mod that makes it easier for a user to create their own oneshot
2) Dark sun mods. Add races or monsters.
3) End game monster transfroamtion. The game allows you turn into a mindflayer. The same but turning into a lich, a vampire, a werewolv, a demon, an avangion etc.
4) Add Avangions. They are fantastic.
5) Add a spider pet.
6) a magic wand that can cast enlarge several times pe rround making some of your allies MASSIVE.

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Originally Posted by NeedaUserName
I don't know if already exists but what I really would love is a mod make the game a bit harder...

As soon as you reach level 4-5 you become too powerful in my opinion. I'm currently playing in a 3 people team and the game is way too easy.

I know there are a couple of mod that try to make the game harder, but the ones that work for me (I play on Steam Deck and not all modders let instructions to manually install them) don't convince me.

Any recommendations?

While waiting on such a mod or a new difficulty level there are play options to make it harder.

  • Stop game saves: Play starts and no saves until you end your session. (I personally allow an exception for a game bug) By removing save scumming you make every consequence and every die roll have meaning, and this make games play a lot harder as you have to deal with bad luck and find a way through anyway.
  • Heavy RP: I am doing this with my Paladin and it has really upped the game difficulty. I cannot lie or work with evil and this makes getting through encounters, the easy way vanish. The same goes with any type of character, by doing a real roleplay you will find certain "short cuts" will not longer work.
  • Limit Rests: Rest scumming is a similar tactic to save scumming. By limiting rest you have to find a way to just make it work. My Cleric and Mage do not go straight to big spells, those are saved for major events. Instead they rely on Cantrips and my Paladin or another warrior to protect them, they work in more of a support role. My Rogue is actually a major part of my party, not for stealing but as a scout. Using stealth and position to make sure we are ready when the fight starts. Then once, the fight is engaged, the rogue starts hammers at the enemy backs to force them to split attention. If he gains to much attention he wonders off, hides and lets them come back to start over.
  • Avoid Game Mechanic Hacks: These are fun to watch but just destroy the spirit of the game. If your invisible and barrel suddenly appears next to ANYONE, you do not think it would be noticed and an alarm raised. I mean maybe a small pouch or a bottle discretely put behind a group, I can see that but a barrel right next to people? As I game master I would laugh in your face for even trying. Just because the game allows a certain mechanic does not mean it should be usable in the spirit of the game,
  • Avoid Min/Max Play: So this one makes a lot of game play difference. There are few areas of this. First did your mage choose a new spell based on who he is and how he is as a mage or did he pick it because you wanted the most firepower? If the later is the answer then your min/maxing. I am actually playing a Abjuration mage in a multiplayer game that is focused no on being weapon, but rather a shield. His spell choices are always fill up with defensive magic first and then add some offensive if available. I find myself using Arcane lock a lot to limit enemy aggro. The next area is respec, stop it. If your rogue suddenly things they should be a cleric then there is a way to do that, multiclass. Why would your rogue forget all they have achieved up till now and suddenly acquire so much knowledge out of the blue. Finally about gear, pick gear that fits the character. Sure there is some gear that could make my priest more powerful but would his God approve? Would a mace that deals necrotic damage be something a God of Life would want their representatives on earth to us? (Part of the RP mentioned above)
  • Accept Rolls: Finally accept the outcome and find a way to still move forward. For lock picking I allow my rogue a second chance if he has picks, never uses inspiration. Limit Inspiration to major events and then only one reroll. Otherwise what is rolled is rolled.

I have a solo game playing with all of these. The game play is challenging and advancing VERY slowly as I know any wrong move could have major consequences. However for me, as an old school DnD player, this kind of play is just FUN. Even have a lot of these rules in a multiple player game I am in.

Last edited by Zentu; 18/10/23 02:04 PM.
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Agreed. Self imposed rules always help in making games harder. I was actually doing it in my current playthrough.

• I have a rule of no saving mid-fight, so if I die, I have to do the whole fight again.

Heavy RP: I am doing this with my Paladin and it has really upped the game difficulty. I cannot lie or work with evil and this makes getting through encounters, the easy way vanish. The same goes with any type of character, by doing a real roleplay you will find certain "short cuts" will not longer work.

I do roleplay, the problem is, being my character a rogue, and also having a perma Shovel summoning with me, it's pretty easy to me to distract enemies & deal really HEAVY damage.

Limit Rests: Rest scumming is a similar tactic to save scumming. By limiting rest you have to find a way to just make it work. My Cleric and Mage do not go straight to big spells, those are saved for major events. Instead they rely on Cantrips and my Paladin or another warrior to protect them, they work in more of a support role. My Rogue is actually a major part of my party, not for stealing but as a scout. Using stealth and position to make sure we are ready when the fight starts. Then once, the fight is engaged, the rogue starts hammers at the enemy backs to force them to split attention. If he gains to much attention he wonders off, hides and lets them come back to start over.

I also do this by default, most of the time I only rest when my SH runs out of spell.

Avoid Game Mechanic Hacks: These are fun to watch but just destroy the spirit of the game. If your invisible and barrel suddenly appears next to ANYONE, you do not think it would be noticed and an alarm raised. I mean maybe a small pouch or a bottle discretely put behind a group, I can see that but a barrel right next to people? As I game master I would laugh in your face for even trying. Just because the game allows a certain mechanic does not mean it should be usable in the spirit of the game,

Agreed. The only exploit (and I don't really know if it counts as an exploit) that I do is explode barrels.

Avoid Min/Max Play: So this one makes a lot of game play difference. There are few areas of this. First did your mage choose a new spell based on who he is and how he is as a mage or did he pick it because you wanted the most firepower? If the later is the answer then your min/maxing. I am actually playing a Abjuration mage in a multiplayer game that is focused no on being weapon, but rather a shield. His spell choices are always fill up with defensive magic first and then add some offensive if available. I find myself using Arcane lock a lot to limit enemy aggro. The next area is respec, stop it. If your rogue suddenly things they should be a cleric then there is a way to do that, multiclass. Why would your rogue forget all they have achieved up till now and suddenly acquire so much knowledge out of the blue. Finally about gear, pick gear that fits the character. Sure there is some gear that could make my priest more powerful but would his God approve? Would a mace that deals necrotic damage be something a God of Life would want their representatives on earth to us? (Part of the RP mentioned above)

I have sinned with this one. There's no reason for my rogue Tav to have a perma Shovel, and honestly, with the little guy next to me, is WAY easier to position my character. But I just love that summon:



Accept Rolls: Finally accept the outcome and find a way to still move forward. For lock picking I allow my rogue a second chance if he has picks, never uses inspiration. Limit Inspiration to major events and then only one reroll. Otherwise what is rolled is rolled.

I also have failed with this one. I agree that there where more than one trap my character was able to deactivate because I loaded a previous saved file. I have to try to resist the urge & accept the rolls.

I have a solo game playing with all of these. The game play is challenging and advancing VERY slowly as I know any wrong move could have major consequences. However for me, as an old school DnD player, this kind of play is just FUN. Even have a lot of these rules in a multiple player game I am in.

I know what you mean. In DOS2, I played with Tactician/Lone wolf/ permadeath activated. And well, let's just say that the amount of time my character got killed was uncountable. But ahh, when I was able to overcome an enemy that has previously killed me, I felt amazing (to later get killed by another enemy, lol). I still got nightmares with a particular scarecrow that was in DOS2, the amount of time that enemy destroyed me & my saved files is unimaginable. lol

I was doing a Lone Wolf run in bg3 with Tav/SH but got mad for some really stupid reason & ended up deleting that run. I'll eventually do a proper Lone Wolf, I'm just waiting for Larian to add that mode (hopefully) to really suffer in my playthroughs. :p

Joined: May 2023
old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2023
I'd like a mod where Paladin is a sub-class of Cleric, selected at lvl 2 or 3.

Last edited by Buba68; 19/10/23 06:20 PM.
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