So I'm playing on the hardest difficulty, if you plan to never use speech skills and fight through everything you will end up needing to long rest after every couple of fights.

You can initiate conversations with party members but I don't thing you get approvals with your main character that way.

Also I mentioned how I didn't like Shadowheart's background, well it looks like that was already planned to change along with all the companion's stats so they all have 17 in their main stat, but at the same time they all have too many odd numbers so I still had to respec them all.

I changed Shadowheart to a wild domain cleric, the spells you get are super nice and wisdom bonus to staff attacks. The only use I ever got out of Trickery domain was buffing stealth on Astarion which is completely minor and niche, charm and disguise self on shadowheart and completely useless.

My poison sorc gets off to a rough start, the twinned ray of sickness and chromatic orbs miss so much, will stick to it and see if it ever improves.

Last edited by DumbleDorf; 05/08/23 03:38 PM.