I love this game! OK, the narration seems to be handled well and is nowhere near as distracting as it was in the EA releases. I withdraw my earlier objections...;)

Playing in Act 1 as of 8/3 I cannot believe how smooth and unified the game feels now! None of the EA patches felt like this--great job, Larian. Everything just flows naturally now, no more dropped/skipped frames at 4k HDR, as the EA patches were doing! (AMD RX-6000XT, driver 23.7.2, AMD 3900X, 32GBs system ram--game is wonderful, all eye candy maxed, Vsync off, sans FSR, too! Averaging 70- fps-115 fps without invoking any image-quality cheats!)

*Thanks so much
for the ability to turn off the display of "genitals" in the game...;) I left the "nudity" flag on, but I really don't want to see any cartoon sex organs in this game! Maybe if I was 13 again, I might have left it on, but this game isn't soft porn, it is high fantasy, and that's what I paid for. So thanks again for allowing us to control those things in the presentation of the game! Much appreciated. Making things optional is never wrong! And I know it took some work!

*No "dark urges" for me, thankfully, as I guess those only apply to the Dragonborn, a lizard-man character that has no appeal for me. I was afraid that was going to afflict every character, which would have fairly ruined the game, I think.

*Every single aspect of Act 1 so far seems far superior to what I saw in the EA! I cannot think of anything I don't like about it! And I am somewhat surprised about that, pleasantly.

Some advice for AMD GPU owners...turn off Enhanced Sync for this game, as it works well in most games, just not this one, yet. It seems to cause the occasional freeze-frame/skipped frame, so setting it to vsync off renders fluidly. Also I noticed (Running Win11 22631.2129) that when using the fullscreen option, every so often I am thrown out to the desktop--game doesn't crash!--I click the taskbar icon and go right back in without a problem. But when I changed to Borderless Window, the problem disappears. AMD has yet to release a specific driver for this game, but my current one works splendidly as described. Possibly a later driver will correct the Enhanced Sync/fullscreen problem. Or a patch from Larian. Triple buffering works well, too!

Enhanced Sync, what it does (I get asked this often): When forced on in the driver CPL in a game's GP driver profile, with vsync disabled in-game, it runs the framerate at ~90% of the vsync-off framerate, while simultaneously displaying <~10% of the page tearing that normally occurs in some game with vsync off. A driver update may fix this for BG3. It's really a minor consideration for me, although very nice when working.

This about covers what I wanted to say. Great job. Am going back to play! I will continue to post from time to time, I'm sure, if I can tear away from BG3 long enough to do so!

I'm never wrong about anything, and so if you see an error in any of my posts you will know immediately that I did not write it...;)