Hi folks, I'm locking this thread as it was created for early access and I don't think adding to it is a useful way to report or discuss bugs with the full release.

To report bugs to Larian, use the form on their support website. The "Report a Bug" link on the game launcher will take you to the right place.

You can also post bugs on this forum to see if other players are experiencing the same problem or have found a workaround. Generally, it's best to post them in an individual thread in the Technical & Gameplay Problems subforum with a meaningful but non-spoilery title. Try to avoid spoilers in the body of your posts as well, but where unavoidable you can use spoiler tags as follows:

[spoiler]Spoiler text goes here[/spoiler]

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"