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SPOILER! There are very few main endings, and, terribly, there are NO CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS REFLECTING ON THE WORLD IN THE ENDING, that is, there is no kind of narrative like "you killed the necromancer, so the city became cleaner and crime decreased." The game itself is beautiful and VERY variable, but the endings are so insipid that I almost cramped my teeth. astariondisapprove

AND WHAT'S THE MOST TERRIBLE (God, this almost made me cry!) NO ENDINGS WITH ROMANTIC INTEREST. There is nothing in the spirit of the Dragon Age: The Original or the Inquisition, where you were told in colors what and how happened because of what you did. Damn, I thought it would be something like this, which is why I completed ALL QUESTS. ALL. I thought that my actions would give me a FUCKING COOL ENDING, but NO. NOTHING affected the ending, except for the most basic actions (main quests and companion quests. That's it. And that had little effect)

I got into a relationship with Gale and I'm judging by him (because I don't think that out of the entire group of characters, one and only one will be deprived of the ending), and you know what? (SPOILER) I CONSIDERED HIM NOT TO STRIVE FOR DIVINITY, CARED FOR HIM AS I CAN, CONSULTED HIM, SUPPORTED HIM, AND HE LEFT ME FOR THE CROWN OF CARTHUS (OR LIKE HIS) AND IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO EVEN CONSULT HIM TO THE REVERSE! AS IF THERE WERE NOTHING BETWEEN US AT ALL! galeworried

Forgive me for screaming, but I tried so much in this game, tried so hard, and in the end it turned out that the endings ... I don't know, seven? There are no romantic endings, no action-related endings, and the ending is bland to the point of horror. Brutal but fresh. Hell, they didn't even have a feast at the end so we could relax and unwind (think of the Inquisition). It feels like everything has fallen into the abyss - nothing is clear about anyone, what's next is incomprehensible. Can not understand anything. I'm crying.

It's more fun to play a game than to see it end. Maybe they'll fix it. I don't know.

Last edited by AlexandraMurMur; 08/08/23 03:46 PM.
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Hey, OP! We're supposed to put text in spoiler tags, in case someone searches the forums for a specific word. Thanks

I also feel like the ending doesn't quite suit the tone of the game. I don't feel as strongly about it as OP, but the meme where 2 parts of a horse are in HD+++, and the head is of a stick figure comes to mind.

In of itself, the endings are acceptable. However, they miss a post action scene where the player talks to companions *and* a screen that explains the consequences of your actions. It's essentially one third complete. A one third complete ending is a 33%. That's a failing grade.

I've not even mentioned the extra companion content of a romance yet. It could be bumped down to 25% complete and I wouldn't oppose that judgement, at all.

While I believe in creative freedom and am not picky, I want to see SOMETHING.

Anything at all.

I can't imagine how disheartening it must be for people who romanced Astarion, see him scurry off into the darkness, and hear someone like Lae'Zel go: oh, well. That's the last the sun (and we) saw of him smile

I really, really hope Astarion has a secret ending where he's cured. And that Larian didn't butcher Karlach's frown. SH seems as expected. So is Gale. Lae'Zel grew on me. If nothing else, you have to respect her unfaltering determination. I haven't looked into Wyll yet and probably don't want to be spoiled. Distrusting him seems like an important part of the experience (for myself)

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Sorry, I didn’t learn how to manage the forum, I don’t know how to put tags X)

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Originally Posted by AlexandraMurMur
Sorry, I didn’t learn how to manage the forum, I don’t know how to put tags X)
You put it like this (without the stars *)

[Spoiler*] Text [/Spoiler*]

I just learned, too, but it's simple smile

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17000 EnDINgs!!!

Really? REALLY!? Also did they made
Sarevok cultist of Bhaal? Or Viconia Shar worshipper? If so then... I am not pleased. I am enjoying this game, but if those are true then I will NEED to bring this game down a point because this is just insulting.

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As my post stated, I received end game credits at 7th level. I followed the story, did as Mystra instructed and bam End game. I was really looking forward to going to baldur's Gate. It really felt like a let down. Even the adventure into Kethrics family crypt ( Temple of Shar ) that whole ending was, ( shadowheart dieing in battle, and not being able to raise her, that was curious, so when I got back to camp I was able to bring her back , but then she was all pissed and left the group, never to be seen again.) well it didn't make sense to me. Oh well after the years of EA, not sure I can jump right back in.

As for the 33% more act 1 that must of been behind the scenes stuff, yea there we a few changes I could see on the nautaloid and of course new races and classes but as for the game play seemed the same to me.

I ran act 1 like I always have, one curious thing is Grym Forge was empty when I arrived. Any way feeling pretty let down,

Last edited by Doomlord; 08/08/23 03:34 PM.

DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off...
Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
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It's REALLY very bad. You can even see on YouTube what kind of horror with endings

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Wow! How did I miss this thread? So very disappointing to be reading your posts here, folks. But it is exactly as I feared it would be. The game appears to be all about its glitter and pop (cinematics, voice acting, fancy graphics, systems) but shallow on story, narrative, writing, and meaningful consequences for our choices. frown

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Well, I was a little bit afraid of this, remembering the DOS2 endings (which I very much hated). Fortunately I have head canon. Lots and lots of head canon.

Yikes, I hope the thing with Gale is a bug. Definitely gonna put off romancing him until a few more patches drop.

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In a word - sadness. At least DOS2 had an ending. And no, there is no bug with Gale, I checked 20 times (I didn't believe SO much that everything could end SO BADLY), as well as with another romantic interest, NONE OF WHICH HAS AN ENDING! And it's NOT A JOKE (*crying and laughing* This is not a joke!)

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I'm in the midst of the final battle(s) - will probably finish the game tonight. The whole ending sequence has definitely been a letdown so far. Except for smooching Halsin one last time. Guess I'll enjoy that before he inevitably goes off to do his polyamory thing and leaves my monogamist in the dust.


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Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
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Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Well, I was a little bit afraid of this, remembering the DOS2 endings (which I very much hated). Fortunately I have head canon. Lots and lots of head canon.

Yikes, I hope the thing with Gale is a bug. Definitely gonna put off romancing him until a few more patches drop.
God the DOS2 endings were TERRIBLE. Not looking at spoilers, but can people tell me if the endings here are even worse than for DOS2?
So DOS2 boiled the majority of its decisions down to a last second choice, something I HATE in RPGS. Basically there were 5 endings:
-Purge Source (Party become silent monks, but are restored by Malady to live normal lives). Eternals (not just the God King) are literally condemned to an eternity of torment in darkness, given Dallis still lives after everyone dies of old age.
-Share Source. Everyone becomes a Sourcerer and works together to beat back the Eternals. This ending is open-ended.
-Becone Divine. Like share source except PC becomes the new God. Not necessarily terrible.
-Demon Divine. Adrahmalik becomes divine through Lohse. Probably the bad ending.
-Release Eternals. God-King comes back and kills or enslaves everyone who isn’t an Eternal.

These aren’t moral trade offs. They’re decisions on how you want to condemn entire peoples. There’s no real winning. It’s just… go along with Lucian and Dallis, go along with the God King (Fane Exclusive), or do your own thing.

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Yes, it'S MUCH WORSE. And the ending is kind of bland. The ending, to put it mildly, is disgusting, and I still can't believe that THEY ARE WORSE THAN IN DOS. AND there it was AT LEAST ACCEPTABLE, CONSIDERING THAT IN THE BG. God, I can't stop screaming. There was such a contrast that it was as if I was pulled out of reality for a couple of days.
The endings are literally fucking bad. Dont end game, you start cry galeworried

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Okay, beat the game, and that definitely felt odd and abrupt.

Where's the choice to go off with Daddy Halsin and help raise those nine cartloads of children among the wonders of nature? It would've been perfect for my character. The game just... assumes Tav will be doing something else, for some reason. And then rolls credits. With no ending slides. At all. No wrap up.

Also, Tarlonniel disapproves of the cruel joke at Astarion's expense. suspicion

Oh well. Still planning two more runs.

Originally Posted by SoulfulAzrael
Also did they made
Sarevok cultist of Bhaal?

Well... yes. Yes, they did. That got removed from canon in my head immediately.

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So I haven't finished the game, but what I've heard lately is telling. Between spoilers for the fates of some companions to the quality of the game's conclusion, this all seems somewhat disappointingly par for the course. The late game of Baldur's Gate 3 has been described to me as not too unlike Arx in Divinity Original Sin 2 before its Definitive edition (Which I believe took a year to release after the initial game) Not to mention the quality of character story cohesion degrading over time (Not unlike beast before the Definitive edition)

Overall the experience early in the game was great (This too not unlike Fort Joy which most people played a lot of and thus it received the most attention pre-launch) and I think they did quite well with the game. It seems Larian struggles with story cohesion/narrative cohesion and choices panning out as they reach their game conclusions. I do still believe that most of these issues can be resolved in time, though not without effort.

Ending slides sound like they would be a solid addition to the game to grant some players closure upon conclusion of the game. Hopefully said ending slides would also respect player choices and reflect them in their narrative. Who they romanced, the choices they made with that person along the way, and their fates within reason and with respect to potential sequels/expansions if any as well as the rest of their companions.

I would love to see an expansion for Baldur's Gate 3 that would go deeper into the choices the player could make within the base game's story and explore some of those character paths the player was allowed to take; something that with the length of the base game would likely be too far out of its own scope. While optimistic for additional content, with respect to the "No current plans for DLC" announcement, I wouldn't expect it right on the heels of the game's launch however.

Last edited by Vile; 10/08/23 03:05 AM. Reason: Spelling errors.
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From what I remember of early!Arx, no, it's not quite that bad. Thankfully.

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What? How can Larian miss it? That's terrible. I am still at act 2 so

1. We wouldn't know what happen about DRUID GROVE after ending?
2. We dont know what happen after we remove the curse?
3. And you mentioned that no romance after story. So i dont know what happen to Laezel and Tav after ending?

Any chance that Larian can add some ppt ending DLC?
I will definitely pay for the DLC after playing the game.
I can't image how heartbreaking is OP after seeing a unfinished ending.

Last edited by UserD114; 10/08/23 08:26 AM.
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1. No
2. Nope
3. Yeah, of course NO

There is NOTHING in the ending, NO CONSEQUENCES. I naturally ROARED AND LAUGHED, realizing that 100 hours had gone into such a cartoonishly simple ending. No development with romantic interest, no consequences, no even primitively banal screensavers like in Mass Effect. It's so deplorable that you can even jump from the fifth floor.

But now I have a hysterical punchline joke. "Do you know why there are 17,000 endings in Baldur Gate 3? Because they're all in fanfiction!" *Sad Pa-Dum-Ts*

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Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
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Wait so what are the 17,000 variations if none of our decisions are covered?

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