Just in case I sounded a bit acidic in my previous comment, I want to stress that I still think BG3 is a good game and I'm not remotely as grumpy with Larian as I am with other devs. But I am annoyed all the same that some of these choices are made with zero communication to the player base, before or after. It was something that made me give up on EA because it just felt too one-sided. Players could go to crazy lengths to provide feedback and Larian would always and forever just sit in their castle and only hear whatever they wanted to hear, and then do whatever they wanted to, while claiming to be listening to the community and whatnot.
It's like that joker of a teacher who asks in class what the kids want and then goes "Right, I hear you, you all want to practice irregular German verbs!", which stops being funny halfway through the first time.
This is Larian's game and they can do whatever they want, but if they don't want 5E then stop talking about D&D and 5E. They don't have to give a damn what nerdy unwashed players think but if they don't then stop blabbering about listening to the community. They're doing pretty well on the whole "don't be a dick" theme, but there's just that faint little whiff of unwashed nutsack over their pretence and their very intentional lack of telling anyone jack about what's going to happen. We don't know how long they care to support the game, we don't know what they're looking to fix, we don't even know that they know a bunch of stuff is busted.
All we know is that they claim to pay attention to the community, but meanwhile they're coming up with these "funny" homebrew ideas to tweak balance that get pushed into full release without them telling anyone anything about the idea behind it, and seemingly without testing whether the change is really all that viable. Case in point, I reckon it is not really viable (but I'm not that clever so please prove me wrong) to play a crowd control spellcaster. Every arrow of x doesn't just hit once, it hits three times requiring three separate concentration checks. A bunch of spells do the same thing. And on top of that there's shorter durations. And the crowds being controlled have to fail saves.
Meanwhile, blaster mages are boosted, loading up on barrels is still an option, the whole shove thing is still an option. It feels a bit one-sided. Building up big booms is encouraged, controlling encounters to death is discouraged. And I find that this makes me just a tiny bit annoyed.