Wall of Stone has 30 hp.

It is supposed to have 180hp, AND 15 AC.

Any character can just spend one turn to get through it, which makes it utterly worthless for a 5th level slot.

This is getting really tiring. Either this is the devs' hate for control spells manifesting again, or they don't bother to read 5e or care enough for a spell like this to be actually useful.

Another cool tabletop perk is that it becomes permanent after full duration. You could make defensive walls or create a bottleneck against an invasion. Something a Tactician would do in a CRPG against unfair odds. This is the kind of tactics I would want rather than having to fight against enemies with extra Bombs in their pockets you don't know are there, or a flat +2 to enemy attack rolls.

Last edited by 1varangian; 09/08/23 12:43 PM.