Joined: Jul 2023
I want to know what people are finding in the way of great gear. I am on the look out for a good Longbow and so far have not come across anything great (L8 party in Act 2). Here are some great stuff, IMO, that I have found:
Harold. Heavy crossbow +1 that can inflict Bane for 2 turns if target fails a save. This is, I think, the reward from the missing shipment quest if you show up friendly at the Zhentarim Hideout in Act 1. This thing is fucking awesome. My Gloomstalker destroys with it.
Adamantine Scale. This is some crazy good armor you can forge towards the end of Act 1. I liked it so much I made 2 sets, 1 for Karlach and 1 for Shadowheart.
Blood of Lathander. Great mace, puzzle/quest reward at the end of the Gith creche. When I got it I was like damn this rocks too bad no one uses maces...then it hit me Pact of Blade Wyll can use any good weapon you get, what an amazing class feature. One of the issues in CRPGs forever has been getting great weapons that you either have to spec around or not use. Pact of Blade fixes that, love it. I was using Sorrow with him until I got this.
Masterwork/Sussur bark quest weapons. Greatsword is the obvious choice IMO since Lae'zel or Karlach can use it, only +1 but the silence on hit effect is so powerful against spell casting bosses.
Some medium armor in the Last Light Inn. Don't know the name but it's like 15 base AC, no stealth penalty and you can use all your DEX bonus. Great for a stealthy Ranger.
Some random green gloves found early that give advantage to melee attacks if you are next to 2 or more enemies. Love these.
Game is pretty light on cloaks and rings. I have only found one cloak so far, had to buy it a cloak of protection +1. Rings, there are a decent amount but I don't think everyone has 2 yet and a lot of them suck.
What other stuff are you guys finding and liking?
Joined: Jan 2018
Bracers of Defense +2 AC from the necromancer�s basement in the blighted village is a simple but mandatory bit of loot for any unarmored character. I�m still only level 4, so with 19 AC, my monk is currently my party�s dex tank.
Last edited by Warlocke; 10/08/23 12:57 AM.
Joined: Jul 2023
Got those, nice pick up. No monk here but Karlach wore them until I got the Adamantine Scale.
Joined: Jul 2023
Joined: Jun 2023
Gloves of Thievery. I don't recall where I got them (does anyone know?) but they give you Advantage on Sleight of Hand rolls. Give them to Astarion and you'll never lose a lockpick or disarming kit again. Well, almost never. There are some DC 30 traps and locks, but with the gloves even those become doable.
Joined: Jul 2023
Gloves of Thievery. I don't recall where I got them (does anyone know?) but they give you Advantage on Sleight of Hand rolls. Give them to Astarion and you'll never lose a lockpick or disarming kit again. Well, almost never. There are some DC 30 traps and locks, but with the gloves even those become doable. lol ironically a merchant sells these. The Zhent hideout guy I think.
Joined: Jun 2020
Gloves of Thievery. I don't recall where I got them (does anyone know?) but they give you Advantage on Sleight of Hand rolls. Give them to Astarion and you'll never lose a lockpick or disarming kit again. Well, almost never. There are some DC 30 traps and locks, but with the gloves even those become doable. lol ironically a merchant sells these. The Zhent hideout guy I think. The merchant for a bunch of crooks, yeah. For early game, the first two first items I picked up from merchants at the Grove were really good. Gloves of missile snaring (use a reaction to negate arrow damage) are great for the goblin fights, gnolls or anyone else with marksmen, if you give to the character most likely to be a target. Kept them equipped for quite a while. Still using the hunting bow (advantage against monstrosity enemies and giving the hunter�s mark skill to anyone), now much further into story on level 7. Other early game gear I�m still using are the gloves of the growling underdog (advantage to attacks if there are two or more targets in melee range) and the Whispering Promise Ring (bless everyone you heal) is fantastic for Clerics. A bit later on, it�s harder to pick out favorites, because there�s so many options, but the Blood of Lathander Mace is ridiculously good. Edit: Sorry, see you already mentioned a couple of those. I gave the armour you mentioned to shadowheart, along with the gloves of dexterity, which makes her quite hard to hit as well as making her actually a pretty good shot with a bow. The gloves would be even better if I respected her to have crap natural dex, but that feels a bit like cheating. I made a masterwork knife with the susser wood to use in my off hand on a duel wielding sword bard because its sometimes handy, but not that amazing as a main weapon Also both the forge armours are very good, but the weapons seem a bit lackluster considering the hassle of getting them.
Last edited by Dagless; 10/08/23 04:09 PM.
Joined: Jul 2023
Some of the loot in the grove is pretty good. I like Kagha's amulet that gives you an extra d6 poison damage after being healed. There's also the hidden glaive (I think it's called "Sorrow"?).
My Assassin/Gloom Stalker appreciates the shortbow that gives you an initative bonus.
Nere's boots are also damn good.
I need to try the forge again, I think I can do the fight if I really put my all into it.
Joined: Dec 2020
I'm no expert, I just see things that seem cool for my characters, but I found clothing for Karlach that adds 15 temporary hitpoints whenever she rages, so that seems pretty cool.
Joined: May 2022
There are some medium armor Gloves that add +2 to both attack and damage rolls with weapons.
There's a ring that gives +1d4 to all checks when you are shapeshifted or disguised. Not sure if this stacks with Guidance or not.
There's an Amulett that gives Healing Word and Mass Healing Word so your Clerics can do even more heals when they heal.
There's a Hand Crosbow that has lvl 3 Magic Missile - perfect for going pewpewpew!!
Solasta D&Does what BG3 D&Doesn't.
Joined: Dec 2022
Some of the loot in the grove is pretty good. I like Kagha's amulet that gives you an extra d6 poison damage after being healed. There's also the hidden glaive (I think it's called "Sorrow"?).
My Assassin/Gloom Stalker appreciates the shortbow that gives you an initative bonus.
Nere's boots are also damn good.
I need to try the forge again, I think I can do the fight if I really put my all into it. Put the strongest hammers you have on 2 mele fighters with 2 attacks so you need to be level 5. He actually goes down fairly easy.
Joined: Jul 2023
I feel like I have seen Whispering Promise but I don't have it. Where is it from and is it missable?
Speaking of missable, Gloves of Dexertity man. Sets dex to 18 and gives +1 attack...in a game where you can respec your starting attributes for 100G? Talk about OP. I never did the Creche in EA because I just stopped when I hit the level cap. Also if you follow the game's either/or proposition about getting to Moonrise you can easily miss the Creche entirely, then once you are there you can miss the vendor (I did).
Also in EA I want to say murdered vendors dropped all their gear minus gold. In release it is absolutely not the case. I did the Underdark and the Mountain Pass but I missed the Gith Quartermaster until they all aggrod me. Killing her did not drop the gloves. I had to sneak up on her and pickpocket to see her full inventory. Killing her twice yielded the same drops but I suppose it could be seeded upon zone in and not just a static post-hostile loot table but I think it is likely the latter given the vendor drop changes.
edit: Whispering promise is from the Zhent shorty that is in the Goblin Camp and then later Moonrise Towers
Last edited by HZM; 11/08/23 11:38 PM. Reason: update
Joined: Jun 2023
Here's another one: Soulbreaker Greatsword. I don't recall where I got it, probably in the Githyanki Creche. +1 weapon, it does +1d4 psychic damage if wielded by a githyanki and it has a special attack that does psychic damage. Great for Lae'zel.
Joined: Jul 2023
Here's another one: Soulbreaker Greatsword. I don't recall where I got it, probably in the Githyanki Creche. +1 weapon, it does +1d4 psychic damage if wielded by a githyanki and it has a special attack that does psychic damage. Great for Lae'zel. Yes this is a drop from one of the NPCs in the creche, maybe the captain?
Joined: Jul 2023
Whispering Promise actually is sold by Volo initially...you have to hit the trade icon in the lower left as there is no dialogue option to trade with him. I did not buy it from him in Act 1 and then in Act 2 it was on the Zhent short merchant (who you can easily aggro/kill in the Goblin camp in Act 1) in Moonrise Towers.
Joined: Jul 2023
Staff of Arcane Blessing in Act1, Underdark tower...man this thing is hard to unequip if you have a cleric blessing. It adds an effect that stacks with regular Bless that gives another d4 on attack rolls and 2d4 on spell attack rolls.
Deathstalker's Mantle...ridiculously OP. Comes early-midgame Act 1 from the Dark Urge storyline, and you can't miss it. Once a turn when you kill something you get instant invisibility for 2 turns. And you can give it to anyone it is not bound to the Dark Urge.
Joined: Dec 2020
Staff of Arcane Blessing in Act1, Underdark tower...man this thing is hard to unequip if you have a cleric blessing. It adds an effect that stacks with regular Bless that gives another d4 on attack rolls and 2d4 on spell attack rolls. Okay, that's broken lol
old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2020
I missed that staff in the arcane tower it seems, only found the glaive. Will have to go back for it.
Joined: Jul 2014
A green that's available in act 1, and easy to ignore, is Melf's First Staff. It's a +1 weapon that allows you to cast Melf's Acid Arrow, which is okay. But the real killer is that it has a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls. This makes it stronger than a lot of later staves that on first inpection look better. Stick it on Gale along with The Protecty Sparkswall robe which also adds +1 to Spell Save DC and a shield that also has the same buff. Job done. This is early-game kit you'll struggle to replace later on because the basic bonus is just so damn good.
There's a maul which would also be legendary if its main effect wasn't broken: Hamarhraft. I read the description and thought it would be perfect for my very jumpy Karlach, but unfortunately, the advertised bonus doesn't trigger: Shockwave: When the wearer jumps, they deal 1d4 Thunder damage in a 3m radius upon landing. Gods, how I want this one to work. Massive hammers with awesome inpacts are my absolute favourite fantasy weapons. I adored hammer in MHW and I've been using hammer on my GW2 Warrior since launch.
I did recently get Corpsegrinder, which is okay, but its effect recharges on a short rest. If Hamarhaft was working properly, that would trigger on every jump.
Joined: Dec 2019
Legendary sword got a legendary sword from the dragon under the prison in act 3, use lightning on the dragon head torches on the wall to get in (make sure you light them) gloves of 23 strength found in the devils house who wants to give you a deal. think the necklace of constitution is in same place as above legendary heavy armour from same place load of good items from the bottom of sorc sundries