I, too, made an account here just to keep being vocal about this issue, wherever it might be seen by the devs.

Enjoyed the game wholeheartedly for 30+ hours before I was spoiled about Karlach's quest progression and ultimate outcome.

The team did an outstanding job with the game. For the first time in years, I was losing track of time, playing for 6-10 hours a day, as someone with two jobs and a fully functional social life.
I have also not been made to feel for a character's fate since the Wild Hunt, so this was quite refreshing at first, only to become a kick to the gut after my discovery.

Now I'm at the point where I don't even feel like continuing unless this is addressed, and a proper ending implemented.

All in all, to the dev team, I implore you - give Karlach, and players by extension, a "good" ending. Let us leave on a satisfying note after a 100+ hours invested in a playthrough.