Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Originally Posted by Mac_Kiwi
But damn, I don't want to save the entire world, I just wanted to save the 1 individual in the game who deserves it the most

Yeah, the game kept patting me on the back for saving Baldur's Gate (which I barely cared about, my character wasn't even from the city, been there for all of a week maybe) and the world (which... I suppose so... theoretically), but it's my companions I really care about. And I barely got to talk to them afterwards, and two of them who still needed some saving - especially Karlach - got nothing.

And poor Orpheus had to turn himself into a mindflayer five minutes after being rescued from hundreds/thousands of years of imprisonment.


That's another thing, the lack of endcards or anything to that end that explores your impact on other groups, people, locations and such is really damaging to the cherry on top the game could've had.