Still in Act 1 but fuck all so far. Nothing I've seen is unique to Larian, quite the contrary, most of the stuff has been done better in other games and then there's Larian's homebrew stuff.
Character Creation pants - same 12 or so heads popping up all over the world.
No random encounters or respawns.
Poor selection of companions who each have a stat spread a ten year old could improve on.
Aesthetics are nice but nothing amazing and the graphics certainly benefit from the use of a reshade.
I'm already really struggling to generate any interest in the game and now the footie season has started . . .
So why not just stop if you don’t like it?
I probably will at some stage but at present I'm soldiering on in the hope that things will buck up once I get past the EA parts. Long-term I'm hoping the modding community will come up trumps. There's already over 800 mods on Nexus and a few have been produced on Lover's Lab. I've currently got 10-12 mods installed.
The wonderful Larian have put out 3 Hotfixes featuring just under 500 fixes in the first week of their amazing game.
Thus far I've not seen anything in this thread which is peculiar or unique to BG3 or Larian.